or contact Eli Murray at emurray@rsppermian.com or by phone at (214) 252-2720. ………………………………… DENVER ASSOCIATION OF DIVISION ORDER
so she decided to read Amoco’s Division Order, the pre- NADOA Model Form. After a few attempts, while trying very hard to stay awake, all she could think was, “What have I gotten myself into”? Fast forward 20+ years, Sherry Werth is now a Sr. Staff Division Order Analyst at Linn Energy and this year’s President of CAPDOA. Sherry has had the pleasure of working with many wonderful folks at Amoco, IBM Consulting, bp and now Linn Energy. Having worked 6 years in revenue, Sherry’s seen another side of the business which she knows has made her a better D.O. Analyst. Sherry became a CDOA in 2008 and is currently the ‘keeper’ of the tests for the NADOA Certification Committee. For more information regarding CAPDOA, please visit our website at www.capdoa.org. ………………………………… DALWORTH ASSOCIATION OF DIVISION ORDER ANALYSTS (DALWORTH) Association serving the Dallas/Fort Worth, TX Area Dalworth recently had our Christmas Party at the Fort Worth Petroleum Club and we raised funds to contribute to the Assist the Officers Foundation.The donations went to support the recovery of injured police officer, Justin Ellis, with the DART Police Department. Officer Ellis was struck and injured on his motorcycle while responding to a call on duty on October 10, 2016.We were honored to have Sergeant Keith Austin with the DART Police Department speak and accept the donations on behalf of Officer Ellis. Sergeant Austin shared that Officer Ellis would be getting released from the hospital to go home in time for Christmas to continue his recovery! Dalworth contributed $500 as well as in kind donations from members present.We raised $796 in cash and checks and $75 in gift cards for a total raised of $871. Our next meeting will be held on the 23rd of February withWill King as our speaker.The following meeting will be the 20th of March with speaker to be determined.
ANALYSTS (DADOA) Association based in the Denver, CO Area
DADOA 2017 Board President:
Cori Peth Stan Vargas
Vice President:
Secretary: Treasurer: Director:
Evelyn Kastner Alexa Heslin
Katie Tate
President’s Bio Cori is a Senior Division Order Analyst at Koch Exploration and truly enjoys her career in the oil and gas industry. Cori currently works properties from North Dakota to Texas and most states in-between. Her background working Wyoming, California, DJ Basin and Permian prepared her well for these exciting new challenges. Cori was President in 2016, Vice President in 2015 and 2014. Since joining DADOA in 2007, she has served as Board Advisor (2013), President (2012), and Vice President (2011), and has helped with the Program Committee (2013), Education Committee (2009 – 2011), and Hospitality Committee (2007-2008). On a personal note, she won a hotly contested HOA board position last year and is Aunt to her newly arrived (adorable) nephew. Cori and her husband Andy live in Aurora where they spend their Sunday afternoons cheering on their beloved Packers. For more information regarding DADOA, please visit our website at www.dadoa.org. ………………………………… HOUSTON ASSOCIATION OF DIVISION ORDER
ANALYSTS (HADOA) Association based in the Houston, TX Area
For information regarding DALWORTH, please visit our website at www.dalworth.org
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