

Hot deals The weather was hot and so were the deals Saturday in Vankleek Hill. Bargain hunters were in their element during Trash‘N’TreasureDay, the annual village- wide garage sale. The usual assortment of goods was put forth by vendors, many of whom arrived before 7 a.m. to secure the best spots.

Arrr! Pirates at PCPS

PLEASANT CORNER | Pirates! - The Musical is coming to the 15th annual Vankleek Hill Music Festival’s Music & Arts Summer Camp. The 10-day camp is open to children from 6 to 13 years of age and runs from July 7 to 18, from 8:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m., Monday to Friday at Pleasant Corners Pu- blic School. Registration closes June 16. There are only 60 spaces available. For further in- formation, those interested can contact Réjean Lafrance at 613-678-6451. Over the course of two weeks, campers take classes in guitar, choir, harp, recorder, drums, drama and art. Songs and spoken parts are learned, costumes are created and stage sets are built. All of it comes together in the final show Pirates! - The Musical Friday, July 18. Over the years, musicals presented have included Jack in the Beanstalk, Kids in Space, Ocean Commotion, Frankie and Me and many others. This year’s musi- cal «Pirates!» has a fun script and catchy songs written especially for children 6 to 13 years of age.

The teachers are Réjean Lafrance (recorder), Christos Bereris (guitar and glockenspiel), Cynthia Martin (drama), ian hepburn (harp), William Laurin (drums), Larry Larouche (art) and Kathleen Fraser- Collins (choir). The teachers are assisted by four high school student counsellors. Registration forms are available at local elementary schools, libraries, Scotiabank in Vankleek Hill, and can be downloaded on the Vankleek Hill Music and Arts Sum- mer Camp Face- book page. Tui- tion includes all art

Street flea market in Vankleek Hill

Photos Richard Mahoney

supplies a n d i n s t r u - m e n t s (except r e c o r - d e r s w h i c h are avai- lable purchase).


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