after seven years as an Associate Professor. However, appointment or promotion with fewer years at rank will be considered for those candidates that meet the criteria for advancement. CRITERIA FOR INITIAL APPOINTMENT, REAPPOINTMENT, PROMOTION AND TENURE INSTRUCTOR Individuals appointed as Instructors generally have recently completed a doctorate/post- doctoral period and thus generally have limited experience in professional activities (research, teaching, service). Aptitude for developing expertise in independent research, teaching, and/or clinical service is judged by recommendations from mentors, publications, presentations and academicperformance. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Appointment, reappointment, or promotion to the Assistant Professor level is based on the candidate's educational and professional background, recommendations from colleagues/peers, and the candidate's potential for developing a productive and funded independent research program, and excellence in teaching. In general, assistant professors at the time of initial appointment will have completed two or more years of postdoctoral training, published a number of papers in quality journals as first and/or corresponding author and show aptitude for an independent research career. Successful application for local or regional grants strengthens the application. Development of a research program through career development grants is also a measure of progression on this Track. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Candidates for appointment, reappointment, or promotion to Associate Professor have fulfilled the expectations described for appointment to Assistant Professor. Initial appointment as Associate Professor is based on outstanding research accomplishments, excellence in teaching, mentoring, and noteworthy service. These accomplishments should be addressed in the initial letter requesting appointment. For promotion, evidence of academic productivity while at UC has greater weight than previous work at other institutions. Research accomplishments, such as funded grants, as principal investigator, co-principal investigator and co-investigator with significant effort, research productivity, publications, and presentation of papers at conferences, are required for appointment or promotion at this rank. Candidates with expertise in unique technologies or capabilities that are instrumental to the overall research mission of a department and/or the college will be considered for promotion to this rank provided that they have established themselves as leaders in their field and achieved appropriate milestones as set forth in their initial or subsequence appointment letters and/or as documented in their annual reviews.



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