FEB20 EDITION - Digital

Tasmanian Government Funded Programs The Tasmanian government funded grant programs are now in full swing. Great Customer Experience Program The Great Customer Experience (GCE) program is not only expanding but experiencing a significant increase in demand. A service that provides free advice and guidance to hospitality business owners and operators in their venues, the GCE program is playing a valuable role in delivering high quality service in our venues around the state. Whether you own and operate an accommodation venue, hotel, pub, restaurant or café, I encourage you to take full advantage of this free program and the benefits it can bring to your business and, importantly, your bottom line. Workforce Development The issue of workforce development for the hospitality industry in Tasmania has been very much in the news, especially in relation to the decision for Drysdale to remain under the direct management of TAFE Tasmania. While this has been disappointing from an industry point of view the Tasmanian Government has provided the capacity for the THA to develop a business case, for a commercially run hospitality training institution in Tasmania. This initiative, managed by the THA on behalf of the THA and the TICT, is now fully underway and will look to the development of facilities and training programs that can provide world class training facilities and programs to meet the growing needs of our industry. I will be reporting on our progress in the coming months as we present the business case to Government. Strategic Initiatives There are a number of strategic initiatives currently underway however one of the most exciting is a review of international hospitality associations, training institutions and legislation. During the workshops conducted in 2019, hospitality businesses around Tasmania universally said it was critically important that we, as an industry, are always striving for best practice. This international review is intended to provide us with a broader knowledge of the advances being made in the hospitality industry around the world, so that we can ensure we work towards a contemporary and world class industry. Clubs Tasmania Since the appointment of Andrew Moore as the project manager of Clubs Tasmania, we have seen substantial benefits for the many clubs and associations around Tasmania. Through our partnership with Energy ROI, many clubs are enjoying substantial savings to their electricity bills, in one instance alone the savings were just under $10,000. Discounts through our banking partner Bendigo Bank and business support services are just some of the other benefits that members of Clubs Tasmania are beginning to enjoy. Importantly, a major sporting and community club conference is being planned for October this year with tremendous value for sporting club administrators and volunteers at the grass roots level. Coward’s Punch / One Punch The Tasmanian Government has just introduced legislation into parliament to address the scourge of the coward’s punch, a blight on our society that has seen innocent victims

die, or suffer horrendous injuries. The THA, with the support of some well-known Tasmanian personalities, is currently developing an advertising campaign to express the message to the community that this anti-social behaviour is simply not acceptable. We are also continuing to work with boxer Danny Green, and his federally funded program, to look at ways to combat and put an end to this appalling behaviour.

February 2020 www.tha.asn.au


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