Orange County Employees Attend Conferences Around the Country
By: Orange County Communications
The Orange County departments of Human Resources, Economic Development, Finance, and Emergency Communications recently attended multiple conferences and returned energized and full of new ideas!
Hailee Perry, human resources specialist, learned about programs Tyler Technologies offers to the public sector. One of the benefits to using this software is being able to update paperwork directly to Enterprise ERP® and creating a seamless onboarding process for Orange County employees.
Perry ’ s duties consist of managing benefit enrollments, onboarding, and recruiting new hires. She says she looks forward to more conferences in the future and streamlining the onboarding process to be all online.
Rose Deal, director of economic development and tourism, attended the inaugural Virginia Consultants Forum, hosted by the Virginia Economic Developers Association, Virginia Economic Development Partnership, and Team Virginia. She says the opportunity to hear first - hand from leading site selectors about what business leaders are looking for when considering an expansion, or relocation was extremely insightful. She noted that the information collected will help her and the Economic Development Team strategize about marketing and recruiting efforts to create new investment in Orange County. The purpose of a site selector is to work exclusively with large businesses and organizations considering their next site in a community. During the two - day conference, attendees learned about the latest trends that drive site selection including workforce availability, site preparation, housing, and the importance of economic developers telling their community ’ s unique story. Via Hailee Perry. Hailee Perry at the Tyler Technologies Conference
Via Rose Deal
Page 11 | June, 2023
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