Orange County Insight June 2023

Information Technology Tip: Orange Open Data

By: Orange County Information Technology and GIS Departments

Orange County ’ s Open Data Portal allows the public to access free datasets, maintained by the County ’ s Geographic Information System or GIS team. The website serves as a hub for serval GIS applications for interested parties to explore anytime. Located in the center of the County ’ s homepage, users can find the “ GIS Map ” icon, which directs them to a map called the Tax Parcel Viewer. There, citizens can search for parcels by several criteria including Parcel Address, Parcel ID, and Account Name. Once a parcel is searched and selected, the Tax Parcel Viewer will zoom to the parcel, and the user will be able to explore its information in more detail. By clicking on the yellow outline of the parcel or number in the center, the viewer will see a pop - up including information about the parcel ’ s zoning classification, land value, and latest sale date.

Additional maps can be found by navigating to the Orange County GIS Open Data Portal and clicking on “ Explore More Apps ”. Public users and Orange County employees can use Orange County ’ s GIS Open Data Portal to download the County's available GIS data in a variety of commonly searched categorical datasets including Administration, Boundaries, Historic, Hydrology, Planning & Zoning, and Transportation.

While these maps are central to planning and zoning developments in the County, some other map examples include road cycling and the Orange County Disc Golf Course for recreational use. Users can find additional maps by using the Search Bar.

Orange County ’ s GIS staff strives to provide the county ’ s citizens with up to date and easily accessible spatial data. Citizen ’ s requests for specialty GIS applications or datasets can be submitted to Jim Whipp at, GIS analyst, or Cecelia O ’ Neill at, GIS technician. To find out more information visit the Orange County Open Data Portal.

Page 21 | June, 2023

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