Orange County Insight June 2023

Staff identified five (5) focus areas to tackle in response to the cultural analysis. Areas include:

Employee Growth & Development


• Customer Service (internal and external)


Positive Work Environment

Over the next few months employees worked together to spearhead spirit events, launched communication and branding initiatives, and implemented the J.U.I.C.E. program. Zelos conducted Meyers Briggs training for Senior and Key Leadership, hosted on - site and virtual interviews for staff, and surveyed the entire organization to gain insight into where and how the organization should focus efforts to address culture. 53% of the organization responded to the survey. After collecting data from this survey, participants were selected and discussed these results and outcomes through focus groups and interviewing employees. Survey results highlighted several areas of achievement and areas to focus our efforts. Overall, the organization was described in a positive manner with words such as, “ caring, friendly, family - focused, hardworking, and fun ”. Concerns were shared with the overall level of stress felt by the workforce while acknowledging improvement and progress. Zelos culminated data from the in - person interviews, surveys, events, and meetings to develop a two - year Cultural Initiative Road Map.

Key themes identified as challenges facing our organization include:

Page 3 | June, 2023

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