2019 Q2

Interaction – NAPE By April Luedecke, CDOA

geologists and even members of the media stopped by for information.

The spring 2019 North American Prospect Exposition was held in Houston once again. We had two NADOA representatives in attendance, Michele Lawton and April Luedecke, both Staff Division Order Analysts at Anadarko Petroleum. It was a productive day for the association, handing out hundreds of packs of gum and breakfast bars to attend- ees that stopped by to learn more about our discipline and the organization. Landmen, engineers, attorneys,

NADOA has good odds to grow its membership and its standing in the oil and gas professional community through important outreach events, such as NAPE. If you have interest in volunteering for an interaction event, email the current committee chair (Lauren Roswold @ lauren.roswold@whiting.com) for more opportunities.


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