Greeters Needed!
If you would like to help work Registration this year at Fort Worth, Texas on Wednesday, September 4, 2019, we will be open from 1 to 6 and we are looking for volunteers. Please contact me by telephone or email if you would like to volunteer. My telephone number is 405-570-9702 and my email is Helping with registration is a really good opportunity to meet new people and get involved with NADOA at the same time. Please be sure to pay close attention to your Registration form when you are signing up to go to Institute. If you are bringing a guest, we will need their name for a lanyard and there is a blank space provided on the registration form for this information. Also, please note the guest fee only includes the Wednesday night Welcome Reception and the Thursday night party at The Ranch. It does not include any of the breakfasts or lunches served on Thursday or Friday. As always, anyone arriving without their lanyard for an Institute event will not be permitted to enter and you will not get a lanyard upon arrival unless you have paid for your registration. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions at all once the registration is available online.
If you are planning on attending NADOA’s Annual Institute in Fort Worth, Texas September 4 -6 and would like to volunteer to be a greeter during registration on Wednesday, September 4, please contact Betty Davidson at 713-739-6622 or or Brenda Pirozzolo at 972-354-8114 or Volunteering is a great way to help your organization and meet other NADOA members. We look forward to seeing you in September!
NADOA 46th Annual Institute Information Booth Please come by the Information Booth at the NADOA Institute in Fort Worth, Texas. There will be brochures a plenty and lots of fun ideas of what to do in Fabulous Fort Worth. Let us help you find your way around the area and make the most of your visit.
Brenda Pirozzolo & Betty Davidson Information Co-Chairs
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