2019 Q2

2019 Nomination Form for NADOA Membership Recognition Awards

I would like to nominate ___________________________________________ for the award(s) marked below:

_____ Interaction Award : Presented to the NADOA member or affiliated organization who has demonstrated leadership in the promotion of the profession to the industry and the community. _____ Education Award : Presented to the NADOA member who has achieved a level of unusual distinction in NADOA’s education activities, as demonstrated by their contribution of time and service to the betterment of Division Order professionals. _____ Ellis Rudy Memorial Lifetime Achievement Award : Presented to the NADOA member who has exemplified the Division Order profession through demonstrated leadership contributions to the industry and the profession during his/her career. _____ Russell Schetroma Memorial Speaker’s Award : Presented to an individual who has contributed to NADOA’s growth and development by speaking, educating and sharing knowledge on numerous occasions to the NADOA Membership, the Division Order profession, and/or the industry during the past year. _____ Corporate Award : Presented to the group/company that has contributed the most to NADOA’s growth and development, the Division Order profession, and/or the industry during the past year. Please detail the nominee’s involvement in NADOA, the services they have performed and/or contributions they have made (You may attach a separate sheet if necessary).


____________________________________________________ (Please Print) ____________________________________________________ (Signature) ____________________________________________________ (Daytime Phone) Send nominations to: Member Recognition Awards Committee, c/o Sandi Rupprecht (srupprecht@enerplus.com) Nominations will be accepted through May 31, 2019


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