Kappa Journal Conclave Issue (Summer 2017)


Brown: We are known as the Great Western Province for a reason. Programs such as Kappa League and AA- MAN started as local programs and have been adopt- ed as National Programs. Brotherhood is alive and well, and lives in the Western Province. Ask any Brother that

nities along the way. I have a responsibility to pass along that same opportunity to others. I believe as a Province Polemarch it is important to delegate, but not walk away. Journal: How has Kappa’s Six Point Plan played a role in your Province activities?

We are known as the Great Western Province for a reason. Programs such as Kappa League and AAMAN started as local programs that have been adopted as National Programs. Brotherhood is alive and well, and lives in the Western Province.

has visited a Western Province event.

Brown: The Western Province is supportive of the Six- Point Plan. I believe Kappa Alpha Psi ® is more effective when you have 700 + chapters focused on singular pro- grams and objectives versus 700 + chapters doing 700 + things. We have embraced technology in the West. Registration for Province events is now done online. Western Province chapters are focused on reclamation. Additionally, we are steadily rebuilding our undergradu- ate ranks. I am encouraged by the undergraduate resur- gence we are seeing in the Western Province. Journal: Why is your province the best in Kappa Alpha Psi ® ?

Journal: What advice would you give to those who want to pursue a career your profession? Brown: I can’t overstate the importance of education and training. The telecommunications industry is rap- idly evolving. It is no longer simply dial tone. In order to be successful, you must keep up with industry trends, stay educated and be flexible. It is equally important to network and seek mentorship opportunities.

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