Kappa Journal Conclave Issue (Summer 2017)


Senior Grand Vice Polemarch on Life, Law and Kappa Alpha Psi ®

Reuben A. Shelton III, Esq. Senior Grand Vice Polemarch

Journal: Please talk about the role the law has played in your professional life?


world would be a much better place if we, as lawyers, imbedded those ideas in our daily living and the practice of law.

SGVP: The law is an equalizer, especially for the poor and disenfran- chised who are unable to fend for themselves. Without the law, those who have few resources to protect their interests would lay bare to others who have ability to unfairly assert their will. Journal: Given the myriad organiza- tions in which you have served, what responsibility do you think a lawyer has to be involved in the community? SGVP: Lawyers have a tremendous responsibility to work in their commu- nities. This responsibility is not only rooted in the moral fiber of who we are but also in the oath of our profes- sion that we take when we are sworn in as attorneys. SGVP: The Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you want others to do unto you.” Journal: How does truth, justice, impartiality and liberty factor into the legal process? SGVP: Those precepts should be the cornerstone in all we do as law- yers. Unfortunately, not all attorneys live by the same code of life. The Journal: What motto do you live by?

SGVP: I practiced law for 36 years be- fore I retired in October 2016. The law is a large part of my life. It is a major in- fluence in my personal development, career satisfaction and my ability to give my family the lifestyle I always dreamt of giving them. Journal: What were you involved in campus service, athletics or community wise, while in college? SGVP: I attended the University of Kansas on a basketball scholarship so I had little time to engage in other ex- tracurricular activities. However, I was active in the local Kappa chapter (Mu 1974) and served in many offices includ- ing chapter Polemarch. Journal: What type of law did you prac- tice and how does your efforts benefit the community? SGVP: I practiced intellectual property and antitrust law for Monsanto Com- pany. The discipline I practiced did not directly benefit the community but my position in the company gave me the flexibility to get involved in organi- zations strongly involved in community service.

Journal: What did you like most about your job at Monsanto?

SGVP: The incredibly smart people with whom I worked and amaz- ingly challenging issues we faced daily. Monsanto is on the cutting edge of science that did not exist prior to the mid 1990s. Creating a business model that brought new-age technol- ogy to the world and being responsible for developing the legal regime to protect that model was unbelievably rewarding. Journal: How has Kappa Alpha Psi ® played a role in your legal or educa- tional career? SGVP: Kappa has touched every area of my life. Kappa is a strategic vehicle we use to do the work God has charged us to do. I have created many personal and professional relationships through my Kappa work and it has served as a generational bridge to my kids and grandchildren. It is amazing how many young Nupes are friends with my daughters and grandsons and that allows us to attend many events together and maintain life-long mutual interests.

Journal: What would you say is the purpose of the law from your vantage


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