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Reggie Hammond: Outstanding. Thank you. I really appreciate that. Rachelle.
Rachelle K. Scott: Yes, good morning. And Matt, it's good to see you as well, and happy to be able to talk with you all this morning from Procter & Gamble, which is where I am sitting currently, and we are masking up gate-to- gate and at all times, unless we're consuming beverages, or if we are so inclined to smoke, which I am not. So, just again, you can see why I'm donning the mask. But certainly United Way has been a great part of my life since starting at Procter & Gamble, where I was a contributor from year one and every year since then, in terms of my giving from the treasurer standpoint, and then from a time and talent standpoint, been serving on the board for multiple years, starting in 2009. And fortunately, had the honor and the privilege to be board chair once upon a time, and in that capacity did lead the Vision 2017 Strategic Plan. Rachelle K. Scott: So, Reggie, I'm excited about what you're doing. And when I heard that it was SOAR, I'm like, oh wow, because I actually learned that in my master's program. And that was something that I brought to the United Way at that time, because it was forward-focused versus the traditional SWAT analysis where you're looking at threats and you're kind of feeling what's wrong. It's like, well, what are our aspirations? What do we want to be? And so, I love the fact that United Way is still using that model to this day. So, just excited to be on board and helping wherever I can. Reggie Hammond: Thank you. That's really exciting and encouraging, thank you for sharing that. Well, I'll get right in, because I want to make the best use of your time, and I'm really a stickler for making sure that I don't take more time than you've offered. You've been so generous with your calendar. I know that there's good competition to get things on your calendar, so I just want to be a good steward of it. And so, in order to start the conversation, I'll just ask these questions. You can share your own perspective, you can build on what someone else shares, and I'll just kind of make sure that we're making good progress through the questions and categories as we need to, to kind of make our way through the conversation. The first thing I would ask is, from your perspective, what is it that United Way really excels at? What does the United Way really excel at? Anybody just jump on in there. Mary Bickerstaff: I think that they are good stewards of the dollars that they filter, even though you want to be more than that, they've proven effective in distributing those dollars.
Reggie Hammond: Okay. Anyone else?
Rachelle K. Scott: I'd also like to say, and since I've been with P&G for 25 years, I didn't say that, but that was day one, year one that I was referring to, so for United Way, long-standing history of being able to garner the community support, and partnering with the other nonprofits to look at the most needed areas of the Albany and surrounding communities. And so, that's what I think they do very well. And Reggie, by the
UWSWGA - SOAR Focus Group 1 (Completed 11/16/21) Transcript by
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