UWSWGA - SOAR Focus Group Transcripts

This transcript was exported on Dec 16, 2021 - view latest version here.

a means to give within five minutes. And that, to me, would be an opportunity to consider for the United Way as well as some of these agencies are under that umbrella I spoke of earlier.

Reggie Hammond: Okay. Okay.

Mary Bickerstaff: I can definitely see that as a challenge. We've had some of that here at the Chamber as well. Reggie Hammond: Okay. Let's shift gears a bit, and I loved your language earlier, Rachelle, talk about the future. And the question I would ask is, what do you think United Way should want to achieve in its future? What should United Way want to achieve in its future? Matt Atkins: I think we should desire to be the premier not-for-profit in the community that people want to give their monies to because they know that we're going to make the most impact in the community. I mean, I don't know what else we would try to achieve other than that, because it's sort of all encompassing, right?

Reggie Hammond: Right.

Matt Atkins: Everybody wants to give to United Way. The reason they want to give to United Way is because we're going to have the greatest impact on our community. What greater role could we fill than that?

Reggie Hammond: Okay. Mary Bickerstaff: I agree-

Rachelle K. Scott: I also... Oh, go ahead, Mary.

Mary Bickerstaff: I agree with that statement. And I think it's important to just continue to maintain that great reputation, because people are going to do business, they're going to give to organizations that they trust to do the right thing. So they know you, they like you, they trust you, they respect you to do the right thing, and they'll continue to give. So, you want to continue to achieve that level of excellence.

Reggie Hammond: Mm-hmm (affirmative) That's great. Rachelle.

UWSWGA - SOAR Focus Group 1 (Completed 11/16/21) Transcript by Rev.com

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