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we've helped and how we've impacted their lives. Of course, that takes resources, time on the United Way staff, it takes a lot of effort to coordinate those. And so, I think that we are building to a position where we can do things like that. But that's probably what we need to strive to do is be able to tell those unquantifiable stories and how they're making an impact in the community.
Reggie Hammond: Okay.
Rachelle K. Scott: Yeah, Matt, I would agree, same concept, even Mary's and the testimonials. And I remember as a part of the board, there were times when people would say, "Yep, I'll tell my story," and then they'd be a little shy or afraid to do so when the time came to get in front of this crowd of people. Again, I go back to technology, and maybe this is a good thing that from a virtual standpoint, somebody can be recorded, and then maybe there's a spotlight, and that is on the website or on some kind of media outlet where it's like an individual's testimony was prerecorded, so it takes that little bit of time and effort to capture it upfront and then have it cycle through whatever social media or content that's appropriate for being able to reach a wide audience or vast audience to then see, and then be compelled to seed into that program or the United Way as it were. Rachelle K. Scott: I just think maybe here's an opportunity because we are virtual to utilize that technology to spread the message. And as I said, maybe a spotlight, and that could be weekly, or monthly, or whatever's appropriate, and especially during this campaign season to really have these stories out there more versus maybe other times of the years as it's kind of trickling in, but keeping United Way front and center on the minds and hearts of people. Reggie Hammond: Yeah, that's good. Somewhat similar, but I just want to see if it surfaces any new thoughts, if you think about tangible outcomes, if you tried to translate United Way's success into tangible outcomes, what would you look for? Forget what you shared on this. Rachelle K. Scott: Well, for the various focus or impact areas, education, if we were tying it to the dropout rate as an example, depending on the program, so, I kind of think about some of these afterschool programs, or other communities and schools when they were apart and just what the focus of those agencies were or the programs that were being sponsored, bullying or teenage pregnancy. So you'd have to be able to go and data-mine and collect all of this information, or the agencies presenting and providing, and then being able to see if the needle moved as a result of. And maybe that's not one year worth of that, it's multiple years, in terms of being able to see trends or what have you, but it depends on what that is. Rachelle K. Scott: When income was including Strive2Thrive, and I know I'm dating myself, but just whatever that is at this point, it's like, okay, how many families were helped or supported, and what they were able to do as a result of, from unemployment rate or looking at those who were in one system under hood or some assistance, and then they were able to become homeowners or whatever that standard is. And so, just
UWSWGA - SOAR Focus Group 1 (Completed 11/16/21) Transcript by
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