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Jay: Well, I think they're brokering money for other agencies, and I don't know that other people are doing that. It makes it easier for me to just direct my money there and then it be used for those needs.
Reggie: Okay.
Speaker 2: I would say one of the things about United way is Just the consistency for an organization. Especially here, I mean, there are few organizations in Albany they have lasted, for example, the Boys and Girls Club. I mean, ever since I was... Can't remember, there was always a Boys and Girls Club. Same thing for the United Way. In my early years as a teenager, I remember the United Way. So an organization that has been able to last as long as they have. And I would just say for the past 30 years here in Albany, and always be kind of a source of pride. I mean, people who get on the Board of Directors or any kind way associated with the United Way... I used to think United way was a small company. I didn't know it was just a few people, but again, they've been able to be consistent over a long period of time. Reggie: Okay. So let's change gears a little bit. Let's talk about opportunities. The question I would ask you is what do you see as a substantial challenge for the United Way? Marvin : Just as they've been here for a long time, and just as they are the connective tissue for a lot of people, they have a marking problem. And she just alluded to it. People know who they are, they know the name, they know the brand, but they don't necessarily know what they do or how they do it. And they're not immune because I got the same problem at Boys and Girls Club. So people don't know what they do, how they do it. And then they're in a community that is saturated with so many nonprofits. Way too many for us to be the size that we are. I think there is over 200 nonprofits here that touch on some youth development loans, so way too many. Marvin : And again, I think they could be the clearinghouse for a lot of that, but they would have to enhance their marking, strengthen some of their strategic objectives such that as when Jay said, when he gives, he know it's going somewhere good. But the money can be leveraged a lot more. And being able to show sociable returns on investments across the board. How you've been able to create community change. Reggie: OK. Awesome. Thank you. Anyone else? Any substantial challenges for the United Way as you see it? Speaker 2: To add to that, the community buyin and just going to them. For example, and I may get this wrong, so the city of Albany, we have a 311 system, and the 911, everybody knows about that. But United Way has the 211, I believe. And that's if anybody has any questions about anything you can call 211. Well, the only time you hear about it is when you hear United Waymaker presentation. And this goes along with the marketing part is, I don't see any 211 emblons, fliars, if you just... General knowledge, if you know
UWSWGA - SOAR Focus Group 1 (Completed 11/16/21) Transcript by
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