UWSWGA - SOAR Focus Group Transcripts

This transcript was exported on Dec 16, 2021 - view latest version here.

Reggie Hammond: Yeah. Okay. Well stated. Well, thank y'all. Thank you very much for giving us a chunk of your Tuesday morning. I'm sure you had other things that are pressing, so I appreciate, and I don't take it lightly that you invested some time with me, and for United Way. And hopefully, we're able to give them a game plan to be more focused, to see more of the impact that you all aspire to want to see in your community. So thank you for that.

Mary Bickerstaff: Thank you.

Matt Atkins: Yeah. And from the board, I certainly want to extend a special thanks to Rachelle and Mary for your time. We really appreciate the input that you're having into our organization. And Rachelle, certainly I know that you and I have served together, and I appreciate your leadership during that time. And Mary, I'm not sure if you've ever served on the board, but again, you're providing a great benefit to us by participating in this focus group. So thank you both so much.

Mary Bickerstaff: Thank you.

Rachelle K. Scott: Yeah, I appreciate the opportunity. Yeah. Thank you.

Reggie Hammond: Outstanding. All right. Well, we can go back to our work with a heart of gratitude, and have an amazing day.

Rachelle K. Scott: You too. Thank you, Reggie.

Matt Atkins: Bye, Rachelle. See yah.

Rachelle K. Scott: Bye everyone.

UWSWGA - SOAR Focus Group 1 (Completed 11/16/21) Transcript by Rev.com

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