UWSWGA - SOAR Focus Group Transcripts

This transcript was exported on Dec 16, 2021 - view latest version here.

somebody who's in need, here's a number you can call and get access to some resources. That would be my part to add. Reggie: Okay. When you think about changes or trends or any kind of recent issues. Is there anything about those issues that you think aligns well with United Way's strengths? Any changes, or trends, or recent issues that align well with United Way's strengths?

Speaker 4: I don't know that I understand the question. Yeah.

Reggie: Sure. So an example might be, so we're hopefully coming through a pandemic phase, right? So that would be a recent thing that's happened and United Way was well positioned with tentacles into the community to be able to provide assistance. Is there anything else that's kind of in the air or any kind of recent kind of issue or challenge or opportunity or problem that's kind of part of the community that United Way has good strengths to be able to provide whatever that need is. Speaker 4: Yeah. I would have to say, because it's such a major organ within the community that its strengths they can immediately identify a resource, or be the resource for correcting. It's a matter of making a phone call or serving as a conduit for the entity or enterprise that can assist.

Reggie: Okay. Okay. Anything occur to anyone else?

Speaker 2: So in the realm of the social justice, when you talk about inqualities and you talk about equity and all, because United Way has contact with as many those tentacles, we'll say that they got to access. When people rise up on an activist level to talk about, "we don't have this, or we need this," we really do. And I've always said we have the answers to all of our challenges right here in the city. It's just we haven't gone to actually seek it and use it. Speaker 2: Another part when you talk about crime, and you get down to the root causes. Well, when you get to the root cause of crime, it's going to have something to do with literacy. It's going to have something to do with unemployment. It's going to have something to do with housing. Something that necessarily government doesn't fully have their hands on. But like Marvin said, we got over 200 nonprofits and a whole bunch of people running around. How can we, instead of trying to get something new, why don't we just go find out who's doing what, and pour our time and energy to those who are actually doing the right thing. So the United Way can have the access to the resources that the community needs. It's just one, ain't many people reaching out to ask them. And then two is that really being pushed forward because here people kind of want to stay in their space and they don't want to step into other people's territory because we tend to be very territorial here in time, so.

UWSWGA - SOAR Focus Group 1 (Completed 11/16/21) Transcript by Rev.com

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