UWSWGA - SOAR Focus Group Transcripts

This transcript was exported on Dec 16, 2021 - view latest version here.

a drug test for a job. Yeah. If the United Way could plug into all those pieces, if we can figure out how to plug into all those pieces, it's mind blowing. Reggie: Appreciated. Much appreciated. Let's just shift gears and talk aspirations for a second. And I would ask you to kind of to put your vision casting lens on, and tell me what you see in terms of what you think United Way should want to achieve in its future. If it were up to you, what would the United Way want to achieve with its future?

Speaker 2: So I'm going to steal something from Marvin. United Way needs to have-

Marvin : Is that the Chief stealing? Speaker 2: Yes. Yes. I got witnesses. Reggie: We're on record brother. So-

Speaker 2: [inaudible 00:16:15] to develop the ecosystem of services for the community. Albany isn't that small, it isn't that big. Honestly, it's just right for this type of endeavor. And if you have this one organization that it doesn't matter what socioeconomic class you come from, if you know that whether if I'm given a dollar, or I need any kind of help, you get to the United Way, listen, you come in one way and you'll get directed to wherever you need to, and anybody who wants to start a new nonprofit, it's not saying, "okay, well, I don't have to fall up under their rules, regulation authority, but it can be somebody can partner with, because their whole thing is, if Michael personally starts adult literacy one on one, Michael personally needs people. Speaker 2: I may have my own funding, but United Way brings me people. I get funding from Dr. Wilson, but I get the people from the United Way, and what I'm able to do is if I'm able to help on the literacy part, then yeah. Now they can go get training so that Jay can start hiring people from the community. It's almost to the point the United Way needs to be the ecosystem of services. And I'll be honest for Southwest Georgia because stationed here, but listen, Albany is the regional hub for Southwest Georgia and it can benefit everybody. And as long as Albany benefits, Southwest Georgia benefits.

Reggie: Great. Okay. Anyone else share your vision?

Marvin : I think I just did. Is seeing them as the lead agency in a community impact model.

UWSWGA - SOAR Focus Group 1 (Completed 11/16/21) Transcript by Rev.com

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