This transcript was exported on Dec 16, 2021 - view latest version here.
next year, if there's anything else that any of these questions did not surface for you, that you would like to be able to share, that we should consider, this is a good time to share that. Speaker 2: One of the things, how does the United Way look at... And I may be using this wrong to say this, but how do they barge in on the scene? I mean, they may have a seat at the table, but we need to hear their voice at the table. For example, from the city side of the house, a lot of issues are talked about, things that are happening in the community, but I don't know within my peers, or either the policy makers, is there a conversation with the United Way? Is that the same on the County side? Does the school board have that conversation? Speaker 2: Those are the three main political bidens here. And when they talk about all of them have the same issue, you got the United Way. I mean, "Hey, we know we, we got them over here, but how do we put them at the table and are they going to bring their voice to the table because you will not be able to govern your way out of these challenges. You really need the community, and if they're the lynchpin for the community, we need to have their voice at the table. Reggie: Absolutely. Okay, great. Thank you. Thank you. Anyone else? Any parting words? No? Well, I really appreciate your time. I don't take that for granted. I know there's all kinds of things and people competing for it. So on behalf of United Way and myself for the work that we're hopefully going to help empower them to do in the coming year and beyond, I really appreciate your time. Thank you so much. Thank you. All right. See you. Take care. Enjoy your day.
Marvin : All right. Same to you all.
UWSWGA - SOAR Focus Group 1 (Completed 11/16/21) Transcript by
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