
20B — June 26 - July 16, 2015 — Green Buildings — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal


G reen B uildings

Top honors received for using the Lease to Slash Energy and Water Use in buildings McMahon recognized as a 2015 Green Lease Leader by IMT & DOE Better Buildings Alliance

Laurie Mc- Mahon was named a 2015 Green Lease Leader at the U.S. Depart- ment of En- ergy’s (DOE) Better Build- ings Sum- W

Alliance to recognize brokers, property owners, and ten- ants who are effectively using the lease to drive energy and water savings in commercial buildings—offering substantial business and environmental benefits. The brokers recognized are market leaders who success- fully add value for clients on major sustainability and en- ergy issues. “I am thrilled to be named a 2015 Green Lease Leader by the Department of Energy’s Better Buildings Alliance and Institute for Market Transfor-

mation,” said McMahon. “As brokers, we have the unique op- portunity to help our landlords and tenants work together to properly align incentives in order to achieve better envi- ronmental performance within buildings, seize opportunities for major upgrades at key in- flection points during the life of a leased space and share in- formation to allow for planning, measurement and continuous improvements to ultimately deliver healthy and productive workplaces.” A green lease encourages collaboration to take action to

improve efficiency, saving ten- ants and building owners on average, 10-20% each month on a building’s energy and water bills. Since brokers are fundamental to all aspects of a commercial transaction, their knowledge and expertise in clauses and addendums that cut energy waste is crucial for savings to be realized. A study released by IMT last week showed that green leases could deliver nearly $3 billion in an- nual savings for the U.S. office sector alone. “In addition to so many for- ward-thinking property owners

and tenants this year, we’re excited to be celebrating com- mercial brokers too as they play such a vital role in real es- tate transactions,” said Adam Sledd , director for IMT’s com- mercial real estate engagement program. “Brokers facilitate many interactions between landlords and tenants, and are relied on to identify and add sustainable best practices into the lease—this year’s Green Lease Leaders show a clear sign of the mastery of proven measures to reduce operating expenses and lessen the impact of buildings on the environ- ment.” n MaGrann Assoc. introduces energy savings guarantee MOUNT LAUREL, NJ – Builders can now offer cus- tomers a guarantee of their new home’s future energy performance – total energy us- age, not just savings achieved with new heating and cooling systems. Maximum energy usage is guaranteed for two years! If a household’s actual annual energy consumption is higher than guaranteed, MaGrann ’s eGuarantee for Homes* will pay up to 100% of the difference over the energy usage projection, estimated by a Home Energy Rating System (HERS) certification. “This guarantee adds sig- nificant value to a new home and increases consumer confi- dence,” said MarkMaGrann , founder and CEO of the en- ergy/building consulting and engineering firm. “We’re very proud to add eGuarantee for Homes to our expanding port- folio of services and to be the first firm in the marketplace to introduce guaranteed energy savings.” “As reducing energy con- sumption continues to become more and more important, homebuyers welcome energy- efficiency certifications,” Ma- Grann added. “Guaranteed energy savings will be even more welcome. This will help our builders sell more homes.” MaGrann Associates assists builders in applying for the program, provides training and marketing materials, per- forms the final certification to determine guaranteed energy usage levels, and serves as liaison to Bonded Builders Warranty Group. n

ASHINGTON, DC — DTZ announced that vice chairman

Laurie McMahon

mit in Washington, DC last week. The recognition was established by the Institute for Market Transformation (IMT) and the DOE Better Buildings


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