King's Business - 1926-04


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

April 1926

EXALTED EDUCATION The public press is casting some shadows upon our educational institutions by throwing the spot light on the campus comics, the lewd language, the lure of law­ lessness and the lack o f loyalty to lofty ideals, which characterize many of our institutions of learning, and warning the authorities that patrons are paying good money for intelligent service in teaching and training the young people, the object of which is supposed to be the producing of men and women with cultured ïlraiil and brawn, soul and spirit, ready for a life of success­ ful service in a world which is greatly needing it. We are supposed to have a higher and healthier standard for our schools than ever before, but have we? Crime is more prevalent than ever before in our

necessity of the blood atonement for sin to explain them if they can. Every drop of blood which flowed from the wounds of Christ has a voice, saying “ I love you! I poured out My life for you! My blood can cleanse you from all sin!” Christ crucified is the foundation of our faith in the Bible and the central doctrine of Christianity. Apart from the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin (Heb. 9:12). Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures (1 Cor. 15:3). The blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, cleanseth us from all sin (1 John 1 :7). And He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world (1 John 2:2). He is the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world (Rev. 13:8). No man ever preached this doctrine faithfully, fearlessly and fully whose message did not

land, and the moral standards and sur­ roundings o f o u r young people should be carefully guarded —but are they? We are giving a few illus­ trations f r o m t h e daily papers of condi­ tions which prevail, and if those who read them have children in colleges or universi­ ties they will be able to visualize the dan­ ger. The editor of a mag­ azine, issued by the student b o d y of a Western university, recently published in the magazine a sacri­ legious article on ‘ ‘ The Nativity” and w h e n requested by the fac­ ulty to resign as the editor, refused to do so, and was supported by the “ E n g l i s h Club.” Do “ co-eds” smoke? A survey of the ques­ tion in the leading co­

bring broken-hearted sinners to the blood­ stained cross. But the grave could •not hold the Son of God. Where was He? His body lay in the tomb, but He, Him­ self, was w i t h the thief who confessed Him on the cross, in Paradise. What an entrance i n t o t h e other world! God, the Creator, and a cruci­ fied thief! Is any other book com­ parable to the Bible? And, then, into that b r o k e n body His Spirit came again, He b r o k e the bars of death and, with the same loving, sympa­ thizing heart, appear­ ed to those fishermen with whom He had lived and labored for over three years. Not a ghost! Not a spirit! A glorified Man bear­ ing the visible marks “ of the nails. No proof there

1Have fought agood fjght»I have finished irycour«,-1 -K a y e , - t h e - f a i t h .


■ is lacking. The disciples leave their testimony. He walked with them. He talked with them. He was one with them—God manifest in the flesh—yes, and m a glorified body, which they saw frqm the mountain top as He ascended to take up His priestly ministry. There He is—the same Jesus—our High Priest (Heb. 10‘19-22). He will never leave us nor forsake us nor forget us! Always accessible, always longing for our fellowship. He who said down here, “ Come unto Me and I will give you rest,” still says, “ Come! And if we could but sense His desire our hearts would respond, “ Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly, for His coming again is the climax of the fundamental doc­ trines. We&must promote this doctrine, preach it, open the Scriptures to others so that they too may see it and rejoice with us in the glorious expectation. What a Bible! What a revelation! What a firm foundation! Glory to God!

educational colleges and universities, disclosed the fol­ lowing: “ In some schools, yes; in some, it is not pro­ hibited; the habit is gaining in favor.” As to “ boot­ legging” —in some places the “ co-eds” drink together, thus violating the law of the school and the law of the land, but that is considered “ smart.” At Ann Arbor, when the President of the University declared his intention of taking drastic steps to suppress drinking among the fraternities, the “ general feeling among the fraternity men was that he had overstepped his rights F ’ Think of it ! A university president insisting upon the students obeying the law of*the United States and the law of the school! What presumption ! In Bryn Mawr College, the President, Dr. M. Cary Thomas, in a recent address, reported that the State o f New York required leaders to support the constitu­ tion and laws of the State. She objected to this, and would go so far as to “ sustain teachers in the liberty

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