T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
April 1926
TH E JEW The Source of the World’s Salvation and Sorrow DR. MARK A. NJATTHEWS Pastor of the Fir»t P/W>yterian Church Seattle, Washington
This is the first of two articles by Dr. Mat thews to appear in The King s Business on this intensely interesting prophetic theme which is stirring the world today. Dr. Mat thews is a unique character, a preacher of worldwide note and a leader of unsurpassed ability. He is a stalwart "Defender of the Faith” and opened the doors of his church last summer to the Baptist Bible Union for their convention, receiving from them a royal resolution of appreciation of his min istry. Every believer should read Gospel Sword Thrusts" by Dr. Matthews, in which will be found not only these two articles on the Jew, but a defense of all the great funda mental doctrines taught in God s infallible Word.
«Now the Lori God had «aid » " ‘ «.A b ram , Get rtee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy fathrr » ■>»««• unto a land that I will »hew thee« and I will mako of « « * » great nation, and I will blew thee, and «M to and thou «halt be a bleaaln* . . . a »* *» **«« ■h“ u a ,‘ *■ families of the earth be blessed.”— Genesis l-x l-3. P you want to comprehend this subject, you should read beginning with the twelfth chapter of Gen esis, and ending with the twelfth chapter of Mat thew. In addition to my text, read the following passages as keys to the subject: Genesis 28:13, 14; Levit icus 20 and 26; 2 Kings 17:34; Exodus 2:24, 25; Exodus 6 : 6 - 8 . Remember, the eleventh chapter of Romans is an epi tome of all thè Scriptures between Genesis twelve, and Mat thew twelve. Read the first six verses of Romans eleven, and read the rest of the chapter later. From the human standpoint, the greatest fact in history is the Jew, and the Jew is a fact. He is not a theory, he is a separate and distinct fact. It is as impossible to get rid of the Jew as it is to pluck the sun from its orbit. It is as impossible to move the Jew out of his place as it is to Jostle the planets out of their spheres. It is as impossible to prevent the Jew from coming to the ultimate end and place that God has decreed for him as it is to shake the heavens and move them out of their ultimate sphere. Ih * Jew is a fact. The Jew— Not the Product of Evolution If you have ever doubted the Scriptures; if you have ever doubted God’s electing grace; if you have ever doubted God’s decrees, or God’s plans, you should converse with some real, orthodox Jew. Not that he is going to inform you of more that I have mentioned but, as you look at him and study him, you will find he is not the product of evo lution. He is one character in history that the evolutionists would not dare to place, if they were honest or knew what they were talking about.
Dr. Mark A . Matthew. Form«- Moderator. Pre.byterian General AaMmbly Pastor First Prasbytsrian Church Seattle, Washington
The Jew is not a product of evolution. He is not a cli matic product. No climate in the wprld produced the Jew. He is nob-the product of any geographical section— though he has a geographical destiny and a geographical beginning. But, the geographical beginning and setting, and the geo graphical destiny of tjhe Jew, did not produce him. He is not the product of evolution; he is not the result of chance, he is not a climatic condition; but he is a God-created, God-decreed, God-called, God-elected, and God-protected individual. He stands before God, separate from all nation alities of the world, from all the .histories of the world, and from all peoples of the world— he is a separate and distinct entity. Prior to the calling of Abraham the whole human family was one family, and distinctions were not made. But, when God called Abraham, He called him out from the world family; He called him out for redemptive purposes, and called him to a divine destiny. He then and there created; He then and there selected; He then and there elected Israel for a definite and distinct place in life. You might ask me why He selected Israel, why He brought Israel into existence. It would be necessary for me to go back of the period prior to that; but, you are suf ficiently familiar with the subject for me to say that the human family, coming into existence by the creative act of God, failing to occupy the place that God created for the
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