T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
April 1926
family, having disobeyed God, and having permitted evil and sin to come into existence, lost its place before God. Then it became God’s purpose to present Himself to the human race. It was His purpose to save the human family from the wreck and ruin produced by the Fall. The Garden of Eden was not strong enough; the environ ment was not perfect enough; the vegetable diet was not sufficient; the communion with God, and the beautiful com munion with nature, all failed to keep the human family intact, failed to keep it in purity, failed to keep it from sin. It fell; and the human conscience was not sufficient to bring it back. God had to call, and He did elect an agency through which to present Himself and the plan of salvation to a lost and ruined world. A God-Elected Witness Let me then call your attention to this significant fact; if there is any one in the world who doubts human deprav ity, if there is any one who doubts total depravity, or doubts that man is a lost, ruined soul, let him look into the face of some Israelite. That Israelite would not have been called, would not be in existence, would not have gone through the history of the past up to the present, and would not have traveled the marked path of the Jew, had it not been for the Fall of man, the degeneration of the human race, and the total depravity of the individual, as well as the race. The Jew is a witness, infallible, eternal and ever lasting, to the total depravity of the human family, and he is the God-elected witness to that fact. He was God-elected and it was an unconditional election. There was not a single condition on which that election was based. There was no special merit in Abraham. There was no merit in any human being in this universe. There were no'works, no meritorious deeds, and . there were no conditions, nor anything that could appeal to God. The election of Abraham was an unconditional election for the purposes that God had in view, namely, to present Himself to a lost and ruined world for the salvation of man. There is another fact. Just as significant and Just as important, namely: God not only elected Abraham, Israel, and the whole Jewish race to the things that I am going to talk about, but God selected a land for His people. The election of Abraham and the selection and gift of the land to His people waS by the decree of Almighty God. Israel was not in Palestine by chance, and the Palestinian land was not given to Israel by chance, but it was by the act and decree of Almighty God. There is no power in this universe to prevent the fulfillment of that decree and promise and gift. I read an article written by one -of the distinguished Hebrews of America. At the close of it he certainly weak ened when he undertook to deal in statistics about the ability of the land to hold and to feed the House of Israel, My friends, let me ask this question, and let me suggest this to the world: If the great God of this universe out of His own decrees called Abraham, if the great God of this universe selected that land, then the great God of this uni verse is able to make that land sufficient unto the day and unto the conditions, and unto the people that will occupy it. He is dealing with God, not with a human problem. He is dealing with a decree, not with a chance. He is dealing with a destiny, not a temporary situation. He seems to have forgotten that fact. Then, in the. unconditional election of Abraham, and in the unconditional selection of the land that God decreed, He selected Israel and the land in order that Abraham and the nation out of him and under him might be a universal blessing. God intended, through this people, to diffuse a
THREE VITAL QUESTIONS SATISFAC TORILY ANSWERED By A Prominent Texas Attorney The three questions which constantly press upon the human mind, and in which are involved all of the past, present and future of humanity, are: WHAT OF THE ORIGIN OF MATTER? WHAT OF THE ORIGIN OF LIFE? WHAT OF MAN’S FUTURE DESTINY? If these three questions can be adequately answered then— ALL IS WELL! But If not------- ! Can they be answered? Read what a prominent Texas attorney, the teacher of a large Men’s Bible Class, has to say in the May and June King’s Business, and be convinced that they can be. • The incontrovertible arguments presented should be in the hands at every High School and College stu dent in the United States, for with them they will be able to meet any professor or preacher anywhere, at any time, who denies the fundamental doctrines of the Word of God, and thus seeks to undermine the faith of our young people. EVERY EDITION OF EVERY NEWSPAPER EVI DENCES THE FACT that the YOUTH OF OUR LAND are in deadly peril! COMMUNISM, SOCIALISM, BOLSHEVISM and INFIDELITY are being taught everywhere, subtly disguised, but none the less destructive. Y O U can help stem the tide! Will you do it? Then DO IT NOW! Fill out the coupon on page 241 and mail to us at once, with names of young people and teachers in whom you are interested. Copies of THE KING’S BUSINESS containing these ARTICLES will be mailed __AS LONG as they LAST!— to the names you send. (A remittance to help defray the cost of postage will be greatly appreciated, but magazines will be sent in any event.) blessing upon the whole world. That was the purpose of God, the intention of God, and He will make that promise good. It shall not fall! The Jew—The Source o f Salvation In the next place, God selected these people in order that through them might come the instrument, the means by which the fulfillment of these promises might become real to the whoie world. When He promised them that they should be the line through which this great instrument should come, He set forth certain facts for them to observe, namely: They were to keep in harmony with Him; they were to obey His laws; they were to live the righteous, clean, straightforward, life. Now, we find that when Jesus Christ came, His own people rejected Him, though He had been promised, though He had been foretold to them from very Infancy, and there was not a Jew in all the world that was ndt required to memorize the Scriptures. The Jews knew the prophets, and they knew the prophets because they were Jews, and the prophecies were written by Jews, and their children were required to memorize and master the Scriptures. And, when Jesus was born, He came through the line that God had decreed. He had to come through the line of David and* through the line of Mary, and the union between the two makes the line absolutely perfect. The line of Joseph, if you please, had to take place by union, and not by gen eration. It had to take place between Joseph and Mary. But, the line of direct descent had to come through Mary. (Continued on page 239)
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