King's Business - 1926-04

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—Eumene F eu ch tin g er I do not mean I can make a Caruso out o f every man—or a Mary Garden out of every woman,—but I can teach you in a few short months a basic secret o f voice development which Caruso dis­ covered only after years o f persistent effort . ERE IS THE SECRET! This is a picture o f the human throat, showing the all important Hyo-Glossus The Hyo-Glossus in your throat can be strengthened just as surely as you can strengthen the muscles o f your i arm—by exercise.

Professor EugenePeuchtinger, noted vocal scientist, famous in Europe before coming to America, was the first man to isolate and teach a method o f developing the Hyo-Glossus. If you are ambitious to sing or speak, or merely improve your voice for social or business purposes, here is your opportunity. If you suffer from stammering, stuttering or other vocal defect, here is a sound, scientific method of relief. Under the guidance o f Prof. Feuchtinger himself, you can practice these wonderful silent exercises in the privacy o f your own home. For Physical Voice Culture is ideally adapted to instruction by correspondence. |: 100% Improvement Guaranteed Thousands o f men and women have already received tbs benefits o f Physical Voice Culture. If you will practice faithfully, your entire satisfaction is guaranteed. In fact, if your voice ia not doubled in power and beauty, your money will be refunded. You alone are to be the judge. « ■ 0 e a __ __< n _ Send today for the ■ 0 wonderful new book, A A W A I W A “ Physical Voice Cul- ture” . It will open your eyes to the possibilities o f your own voice. It will indeed be a revelation to you. Get it without fail. Mail the coupon now. Perfect Voice Institute

muscle. Biographers o f the great Caruso tell us o f his wonderful tongue control. Caruso himself speaks of it in his own writings, as the basic secret o f voca l power and beauty. But tongue con tro l depends en­ tirely on the develop­ ment o f your Hyo- Glossus muscle.

Perfect Voice Institute, 1922 SunnytideA v j „ stndlo, 53.14 Cbksge Please tend me FREE, roar new book, "Physhad Voice■ ^■ Bure"- I I have put X opposite the subject that Interests me roost. 1 assume no | obligations whatever. □ Singing □ Speaking □ Stammering □ WeakVotce | Name..,............................. ................................................................. ■ I Addreas............ ................. ............................................................................ I


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