King's Business - 1926-04


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

April 1926

ties and Inundate the market with forged bank notes;. to bring about economic collapse that will win the sympathy of the masses. “ To complete annihilation of the army and get soldiers to adopt the so­ cial-democratic program.” The extent to which since literally followed is a matter of record. It ac­ counts for a vast deal of present world-threatening conditions. This is the kind of “ government” civilized na­ tions are asked to recognize. For seven years it has wrought economic disaster and misery to every interest that has been affected by it. ItB object today is wholesale destruction. The crimes it has committed are only the preface to greater evils it intends. The peace and safety of the world are endangered so long as Sovietism exists. — Better America Federation. FRESH AIR IN CHURCH A woman lover of fresh air makes the following plea: “ Many people seem to be afraid of air unless it is inclosed, and super­ heated. “ The ornamented glass windows rarely have panels that open, conse­ quently the saints are in the windows and the martyrs in the pews. “ The vitiated air and the germs housed for weeks in the sacred resorts give the worshippers those ‘colds’ for which they cannot account, and our only relief is when the doors open to admit fresh victims. Many poor pas­ tors preach to people who do not will­ ingly nod assent to their utterances. “ Vain is the appeal for relief voiced by lovers of fresh air. A shortage in receipts may arouse the officials of churches to the need of ‘societies for the prevention of cruelty to those who are opposed to the use of second-hand air.’ ” UNIVERSE WITH STARS SEEN FAR AWAY Chicago.— proof that another uni­ verse with stars and nebulae in a heaven like ours exists out in space inconceivably distant from the earth has been presented by Dr. jEdwin P. Hubble in the Astro-Physical Journal, publication of the University of Chi- cago. Dr. Hubble made his observations at Mount Wilson Observatory. Meas­ uring the distance from the earth to the exterior galaxy, which is similar in many ways to our own, although entirely out of the earth’s galactic sys­ tem, Dr. Hubble found that it is about 700,000 light years away, or approx­ imately 66,609,872,000,000,000 miles. According to his compilations it is 4000 light years across. Its general appearance is like that of the magel- lanic clouds, the mass of nebulae like the milky way in the skies of the Southern Hemisphere.— P r e s s Dis­ patch.

eling with-his burros, “ pipe organ” and “ bagpipe,” he held services in remote camps. He was nicknamed "Bishop of Grubstake Parish.”— News Item. WOMAN GOVERNOR SCORES PARDONS Cheyenne, Wyo.— Governor Ross, speaking in regard to the function of the Governor to reverse action of courts, expressed her emphatic opposi­ tion to Indiscriminate pardoning. “ The continuous pleas which come from grief-stricken women and chil­ dren, mothers, wives, sons and daugh­ ters of criminals appeal strongly to the heart of a Governor,” Gov. Ross said, “ and are truly hard to resist. “ But I do not regard it the function of a Governor to reverse the action of the courts except in cases where it can be established thggt the convict is a victim of injustice, or conditions, sub­ sequent to trial, plainly Justify clem­ ency or pardon. “ One of the basic principles on which all civilized governments are founded is the protection of the rights of their citizens. Every man charged with crime has thrown about him ut­ most protection by the State. He is held innocent until proved guilty. He has the benefit of counsel and trial be­ fore an unprejudiced judge and jury, and if convicted, should pay the pen­ alty." _____ BOLD BOLSHEVISM At a council held at the Kremlin, at which Lenin presided andTrotsky, Radek and Tchicherin were among those present, the program below was adopted: “ To provoke national conflicts, make attempts on foreign representa­ tives and increase social-democratic agitation. “ To compromise by all possible means influential men and provoke agitations against governments. “ To provoke» general strikes, dam­ age machinery and boilers and spread propagandist literature. “ To provoke railway strikes, blow up bridges and railways and do every­ thing to disorganize transport. “ To prevent provisioning towns with corn; to create financial difficul­


The Exchange Telegraph’s Vienna correspondent reports that the Italians had expelled thirty-four German of­ ficials, teachers and merchants from South Tyrol, and that further ejec­ tions were expected. Thé last German paper In South Tyrol, the Meraner Zeitung, has stopped publication and been succeeded by a Fascist paper. — Exchange. DISHONEST BANKERS San Antonio, Tex.— Texas b a n k s are robbed from within more than by bandits on the outside, according to State Banking Commissioner Charles O. Austin, who says many banks have suffered heavily through dishonest of­ ficers, who escape punishment through influence. Commissioner Austin said that despite the efforts of the State and Federal governments, grand Jur­ ies in some counties refuse to indict, district attorneys refuse to prosecute and the courts decline to convict, all because of social prominence and in­ fluence of the bank officials. Instances were related by Austin where dishon­ est bankers robbed and broke banks and walk the streets free men.—News Dispatch. WAR SCARES The condition of our Navy— as re­ vealed by Secretary Wilbur— is alarm­ ing. And the tragedy of the world is that we should be compelled to think of a weak Navy as alarming. It means that the world is not yet cured of the fever of war. Like it or not, old Mars can be heard grumbling in the offing. England’s iron hand in Egypt shows how important it is that the sea path between India and the British Isles be kept free and open. England’s change of mind about es­ tablishing a navy station at Singapore and our own projected naval excur­ sion to Australia next year, are signs > posted for the world to see— a sort of *'Stop-Look-and-Listen’’ signal as it were.— L. A. Times. SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS LAYS DOWN HIS STAFF Stockton, Cal.— Rev. Hugh J. Fur- neaux, picturesque pastor of Tuol­ umne, known in the logging camps and mining communities as “ The \ shepherd of the Hills," died recently at his home in Columbia. Heart dis­ ease augmented by a severe cold caused his death. Pastor of historic St. Andrews Pres­ byterian Church at Columbia for the past three years and before that at Sonora and Big Oak Flat, Furneaux was a beloved figure in all the out-of the-way mining settlements. For more than twenty years he went about the camps carrying packages and mag­ azines to men who would have re- celved no other reading matter. Trav-


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