King's Business - 1926-04

I I 1 t in I

April 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S



to the Lord Jesus Christ, and taken Him to be our Saviour, and now as a child we seek to obey Him. We know that He has put us here in this har­ bor as a witness to you men of the sea. You are lost, and on the way to hell, and we are His witness, His ambas­ sador to tell you of the Light that will lead you out of darkness into His haven of rest. We cannot compro­ mise, nor turn from our message, as this is our first duty. Our second obligation is as we have stated toward those who are sending money to buy these Gospels and tracts, and to pay ♦our salary. We must not waste lit­ erature or time in empty arguments, but proclaim the message. Whethef you accept it'o r not is your lookout; we have been obedient and faithful.’ Then we add, “ God does give us con­ verts, who when they see their need yield to Him who loves us and has died for us.” About this time he makes an excuse to go about his business, and we go on to another part of the ship. Truly the natural man recelveth not the things of the Spirit of God. We know our message went home to this young officer, and our prayer is that He may soon yield to our Saviour. On this very ship we had the Joy of leading a young man to see the differ­ ence between trying to be a Christian and trusting a victorious, risen Sav­ iour. Several from another part of the vessel visited our home, secured some song books, and helps toward living the victorious life. Beloved, pray for us. The field is white unto harvest. BIOLA HALL WORK David Cant, Supt.— Our City Miaaion for Men in the center of Loe Angeles. Meeting con­ tinuous from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. Noon-day « Prayer Meeting. S MONG the many who profess to put their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as their per­ sonal Saviour, it would be interesting to know just what proportion truly born anew of the Holy Spirit go on to a fruitful life of fellowship and continued growth. The great mass of men we constantly deal with in regard to their personal relationship to Christ are either tran­ sient or are so effectually swallowed up in the great city that we rarely meet them again. Some fall by the wayside, a few return to give thanks, and others only seek us out when they are again in dire need. We who labor in the great cities sowing the precious seed, are always running up against the seemy side of life, where the conscience is seared as with a hot iron, where alas every kind­ ness manifested and help given to these unfortunate ones meets many

this month and we are rejoicing in that and are praising Him for the way He is raising up personal workers right within the classes themselves. So the work among the High School girls goes on, with His blessing, the two alms being to bring the girls to Christ and then to bring them to the place of surrender to His blessed plan for their lives, Surely He has done “ exceeding abundantly.” SEAMEN S DEPARTMENT Claude H. Pearson, Supt.— Our Workers board all vessels in the port'of San Pedro, holding Gospel Services and Distributing Literature. ••The natural man recelveth not the things of God.** E are on board a mammoth oil tanker. The first man we meet recognizes us as a mis­ sionary. “ Some more Gos­ pels of S. John,” he says. “ I think I have several in my room now.” By this, we know at once that his ship has been visited somewhere else, and he is seeking to either tease or ridi­ cule us. So reaching into our pocket we get a Gospel of Luke, and reply, "Perhaps you would like to have a Gospel of Luke this time.” Generally when men start in this way we know they are going to start an argument'by asking why we always use the Gospel of John. As he is now off his guard, we say, “ You see it is not the food which is set on the table that nourishes our bodies, but what we put into our system. A man may have a dozen Bibles in his room, and still never know Jesus. The more oppor­ tunities he has and refusee’ the greater is his responsibility and condemna­ tion.” Dodging the issue he says, “ Do you get many suckers?” “ I sup­ pose you mean converts,” we answer. "Well, we do not always reckon re­ sults by numbers. You see our obli­ gation to God is that of a child; then too, we have a second obligation, which is toward the people that are supporting us. We know that we are a child of God because we have yielded

BIBLE WOMEN S WORK Mrs. L y m a n Stewart, Supt.— Twenty-five Women Engaged in House to House Personal Work. Bible Classes and Soul Winning Clubs. BUODIA CLUBS B HERE are flfty-flve Euodla Clubs in and around Los Angeles at the present time. These clubs are composed of groups of High School girls who are banded together for Bible study and Christian fellowship and who each week pursue a definite course of Bible Study and have happy times of wholesome fellowship. Mem­ bers Of .the faculty of the various high schools are taking a very great inter­ est in the clubs and are, in many cases, lending great assistance to the work. Some of the Clubs are listed as "school activities,” having school recognition and a Faculty Advisor from among the staff of teachers in the school. We are grateful for the increasing inter­ est and cooperation of the teachers. In one of the clubs two splendid girls had been attending regularly all year and had been so interested in the messages and all the activities of the club.' Week by week their love and appreciation of Jesus Christ had been deepening and often they left the class with moist eyes. As the weeks went on the teacher began to feel a special in­ terest in them and a special burden of prayer. She realized that they were both saved but that they were frying to divide their affection between the Lord and the world. Both being at­ tractive and popular g$rls, the strug­ gle was especially hard, but finally one day the Holy Spirit spoke to their hearts in an irresistible way and they made a complete and full surrender to the Lord, telling Him that they be­ lieved He was going to use them in His service some day, perhaps in some far distant land, and that they were surrendering their lives to Him to use just as He wanted to. There was a real look of victory on their faces as they left the class and since then there has been a change in the life of both of them and a deep­ ening that the Holy Spirit alone can bring about. So we look, by faith, into the far distant "tomorrow” and realize that here and now He is search­ ing through our classes and calling the girls definitely and beginning their training for the service that we love so much, that the work may go on " when the present workers are no longer able to work in the vineyard. Our girls of today will, by His grace, be the strong leaden* of tomorrow. So we praise Him for the greatness of His power that is manifested so defi­ nitely in the touching of the lives of these girls and the calling of them into definite service for Himself. Then He has graciously used His Word to the salvation of many girls






An old friend of The King’s Business in England sends the following heartening commen­ dation: "I cannot find words enough to express my grati­ tude for the great spiritual help and b e n e f i t I have received in the past years, and I look forward to greater help and blessing in the future."


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