King's Business - 1926-04


April 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


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»\4 Practical Methods of Personal Work For Defenders o f the Faith . . . . . ;T. C. HORTQN *\a

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satisfy the natural longing of the human heart to know its future des­ tiny, and whether it is possible to attain to something higher than the natural self, and Theosophy claims to answer these questions. The teaching of Theosophy as to the various doctrines, is as follows: (1 ) AS TO THE BIBLE: They regard the Christian Bible as only one of many Bibles. A text quoted from it would not be conclusive with a Theosophist, as “ The Vedas” and other so-called sacred writings, are regarded by them as of equal author­ ity, each of them being only one of many revelations. (2 ) GOD:-Their God is pantheistic. Mrs. Annie Besant says: “ The next matter impressed on the student •of Theosophy is the denial of a personal God. * * * Theosophy is pantheistic. — God is all and all is God.” They believe in a Trinity, consisting of: First— the great, unknowable, un­ known God, corresponding to the Father. Second.—the manifested God— the great primeval cause of all. Third— the manifested Logos. They say that Jesus Christ is one of the manifestations of this Logos. That is, they do not assert positively that He was such an incarnation, as they feel they have not had sufficient data to substantiate such a claim ( ! ) , but they are coming more and more to this view, some even going so far as to hold that He is the planetary spirit of the solar system. Former incarna­ tions of the Logos were, they say, Rama (about 6000 y^tfs ago), and later, Krishna. They teach that God manifests Him­ self periodically. That one manifesta­ tion of planetary systems will go for hundreds of millions of years; then, these will all be gathered up into this Logos. Then there will be another manifestation of new planetary sys­ tems, their theory being that there is a re-incarnation of planets, just as there is of human souls. They teach that the Holy Spirit is an effluence from the Great Unknow­ able, and the Manifested Logos. (3 ) MAN: According to Theoso­ phy, consists of: One spirit; Three souls; A life principle; Two bodies. Or, to go more into detail, they des­ ignate these component parts as: First: Atma (that atom which is indivisible, imperishable; the primate and the ultimate of all things, visible and invisible). Second: B u d d a h 1 (the spiritual soul). Third: Manas, divided into "The Higher Manas” (in affinity with the

LESSON TWENTY-ONE In these suggestions for those desir­ ing to do personal soul-saving work, we have been considering, month by month, the various classes of unsaved and how to meet the peculiar problems presented by each, i.e., "The Indif­ ferent," "The Anxious” , the person who says "I am too great a sinner” , the different “ cults” , and come now to those who have been deluded by the teachings of Theosophy. This is one of the most subtle of the snares of Satan, and we are quoting from "Personal and Practical Chris­ tian Work” (one of the Correspon­ dence Courses offered by the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Keith L. Brooks, Secretary), a brief summary of the teachings of theosophy given to the writer by a friend who was for several years a prominent teacher in this cult, but who has since returned to the faith of her fathers. Theosophy or the ‘ ‘Wisdom’* Religion Causes for Its Present Popularity: Because the rank and file of the Christian Church, by their lives and profession, deny the necessity of re­ generation, or the possibility of a divine and spiritual life, and so fail to VICTORY IN CONFLICT 1 Chron. 28:20; Rev. 7 :14 Take courage, Christian comrades, Fear not! nor be dismayed, Though evil foes of darkness, Against thee be arrayed. Through God’s own arm victorious, The Median hosts were quelled, And by His power all glorious, Brave Gideon’s Band excelled. (Judges, 7th and 8th chapters.) Yake courage, Christian comrades, Fight on I in God’s own might, His Word the royal ensign, Shall put the false to flight. Advance, clad in His armor, Remember David’s sling, God’s winged shafts bring victory, Then—forward!—for your King. (1 Sam. 17:45-50.) Take courage, Christian comrades, The saints, in myriads, stand, Before the Throne of Glory, With victor palms in hand; They came through tribulation, _ They conquered through His might. May we, like them, here honor God’s Word of Truth and Light. (Revelation 7 :9.) —Lottie Clifford Hosier. The Manse, Woodlands Road, Camberley, Surrey, England.

USING THE AMMUNITION IN CANADA A dear "Defender” writing to us from Canada gives a most interesting account of how she used the “ Ammu­ nition” sent her in showing her pas­ tor, who was inclined to Modernism, the error of his way. She says: “ I would like some more of your splendid ‘Ammunition’ and want to tell you how I have used some of the last you sent me. “ A new minister came to us last summer. The first Sunday or two he spoke, laughingly, of the ‘Modernists and Fundamentalists’ and we judged that he was a ‘middle-of-the-roader’. Twice in his prayer he quoted that good old hymn, ‘Just as I am without one plea, But that Thy blood was shed for me’ , changing it to ‘But that Thy life was given for me.’ A few such things made my husband and myself rather doubtful of him. "The next day I picked up the leaf­ let you sent me ‘The Four Great Essentials’ and after reading it said to my husband, ‘I wish Dr. — — could read this,’ and my husband said he thought it would be a fine thing to do. So we underlined ‘preach the blood’ where it was repeated three times and also the verse ‘We are redeemed, not with corruptible things,’ etc., ‘but with the precious blood of Christ.’ * * * “ We prayed much that the Holy Spirit would use the printed page, * * * and once or twice since he has quoted the same verse of ‘Just as I am’ but used the word ‘blood’ instead of ‘life’ , which is very encouraging. "Thanking you for all your helpful publications and praying God’s richest blessings on your splendid work for Him. I enclose $5.00 so there will be a little balance for your work.” We are sure that our “ Defender of the Faith Prayer Circles” will be glad to remember this dear sister and pray that her pastor may soon come clear over on the Lord’s side. Don’t forget that we are very much interested in knowing just what these Prayer Circles are doing, so that we may tell "Our Family” about them from time to time, for their mutual help and encouragement. Our dear friend, Mrs. Hasler, of England, who sent us that splendid hymn, “ Preach the Word,” the words and music of which were printed in the Christmas King’s Business, has sent us the inspiring verses "Victory in Conflict” on this page. Mrs. Hasler is the wife of a Baptist pastor and we are asking for them, also, the prayers of the readers of this page that God may bless their service to the salva­ tion of many precious souls.

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