T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
April 1926
thoughtfully left his India cotton handkerchief, with mystic initials embroidered in the corner)! (4 ) SIN: This is involved in their teaching with reference to re-incarna tion and the doctrine of Karma, the principle that “ whatsoever a man bow - eth that shall he also reap.” The Theosophlst is always trying to "make good Karma,”— that is, to add to his store of merit. They have no place in their system for the Atonement, but each individual has to work out his own salvation through countless ages and aeons of time, their highest hope being that when the “ reincarnating ego” reaches that condition where it can remember all its past experiences, it will be absorbed into that imperson ality which they call “ God." This state is called “ Nirvana,” and is the ultimate end and goal of the Theoso- phist. Next month we will show how to meet these errors with the Scripture, — the only way to combat any kind of false teaching. Remember that the weapon with which our Lord defeated Satan was “ It is written!” “ It is writ ten” ! ! “ It is written"! ! ! and the same means of defense is at the com mand of every believer if he but has the Word hid in his heart.
of nature, and can choose the form of its incarnation. Such a person is known as an “ adept.” From this, one advances to a "Mahatma.” T h e s e Mahatmas are supposed to live in desert places somewhere in Thibet, in secret chambers, known only to the “ initiates.” (Col. Olcott, of New York City, claimed to have had a visit from one of these Mahatmas, and to prove that he was not merely the victim of an optical illusion, the Mahatma
spirit), and “ The Lower Manas” (In affinity with the animal soul). Fourth: Kamarupha (the animal soul, or desire, or emotional force). Fifth: The Astral Body (•phich is the model of the physical body). Sixth: Prana (or “ vitality;” or, simply “ breath.” Has no personality or qualities In itself, except by virtue of Its relation to the other elements). Seventh: The physical body. Theosophy teaches that the physical body, at death, soon returns to its original elements. Thé astral body may exist for some time after death, but in time it also dissolves. The animal soul, (Kamarupha, or “ desire” ), becomes separated from the ego (or spirit) and becomes what is commonly known as a ‘ ‘spook,”— an irrational, irresponsible thing, seeking to find a dwelling in mediums, etc. The “ reincarnating ego” (or Atma) is the permanent individuality, which is never lost. Its whole object is to gain knowledge and become identical with God. A soul that makes the most of its opportunities has more and more chance to gain spiritual power, until finally it becomes superior to the laws
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