T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
April 1926
described by Justin Martyr. He re cords that on that day there was a gathering of all the Christians who lived either in town or the country, that the writings of the apostles were read, that prayer was offered, alms were collected, and that the Holy Sac rament of our Lord’s body and blood was celebrated. Tertullian, writing in the second century, speaks of the day as both “ Sunday” and the “ Lord’s day” and says that it is a day of joy, and that, "business is put off on it, lest we give place to the devil.” The day may be spent in 1. Meditating upon the Word and Work of God. It affords an opportun ity for the study of the Bible and memorizing portions of it. Psa. 1:1-2. 2. In meeting with the people of God in public worship. Heb. 10:25; Psa. 66:14. 3. In ministering to the physical and spiritual needs of others. Matt. 12:1-12; Luke 14:1-6. The day may be spent in cheering the downhearted, nursing the sick, visiting those in prison, teaching the Word, preaching the Gospel, fishing for men. and in prayer. 4. In multiplying strength by rest and relaxation for the work and battle of the new week. Mental and physical strength and energy are expended dur ing the week, but thé Creator has made a loving and thoughtful provision for our needs in giving us a day of rest. APRIL 25, 1920 How Can We Help to Make Our Cities Christian? There is much evidence of truth in the saying that the city is to control the nation. In Luke 14:21 our Lord mentions the city in particular. 1 So much effort is fruitless because it is not definite. The more definite our work is the more certain we are to have definite results. And the most definite work is to bring as many men, women and children as possible to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. The greatest victory is to get an individual to the Lord, then the lesser conflicts will be quickly won and the lesser problems speedily settled. Our efforts must be directed to wards getting people to the feet of our blessed Lord— By prayer, for the city by name and for individual persons by name, daily. Souls are only born into the kingdom of God by the travail of our ow'n souls in prayer. By promoting evangelistic meetings all over the city. The Christian En- deavorers of one of our great cities put on a successful city-wide simultaneous evangelistic campaign. By constant, persistent, daily, per sonal work,— talking to individual Matt. 11:20-24, 28-30 (Missionary Meeting)
Love manifests itself— In loving God Himself. 1 John 5:2 R. V. By the giving of our lives, If neces sary, for others. 1 John 8:16; John 15:13. In praying for others. There is no way in which one can be more help ful. Our hearts should be burdened for others. Matt. 5:44. In telling others of the Saviour. John 17:18; Matt. 28:19,20; Luke 19:10. In refraining from doing everything that would injure another or cause an other to stumble. Rom. 18:10; 14: 15, 21; 1 Cor. 10:23; 8:11-13. (The application to which these verses may be made are numerous— various forms of worldly amusement, etc.) By following after things which make for peace and doing those things which will bless others. Rom, 14:19; 1 Cor. 10:33; 8:9. By doing good to all men, as we have opportunity. Gal. 6:10..' Not only abstaining from doing injury but devoting our lives to doing good. Jas. 4:17. By serving others. Gal. 5:13; John 13:1-5. By bearing one another’s burdens. Gal. 6:2; Rom. 15:1-3. By sympathising with others in their sorrow and rejoicing with them in their Joy and success.- Rom. 12:15. By forbearance with one another. Suffering long without retaliation. Eph. 4:2. By forgiving others, being kind and tender hearted. Eph. 4:32. By being kindly affectioned to one another, and by giving others the higher and better place. Rom. 12:10. By dividing our means to meet the need of others. 1 John 3:17. By rebuking those who do wrong. Lev. 19:17; Prov. 27:6; Eph. 5:11; Matt. 18:1|>-J.7; 1 Tim. 5:20. APRIL 18, 1926 How do People Either Build or Under mine the Sabbath? Rev. 1:9-11; Mark 2:23-28; 3:1-6 A well-spent Lord’s day means much for the individual, for the church, for the community and for the nation. We do not observe the Jewish Sab bath, but in commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ we ob serve the first day of the week, the- Lord’s day. Matt. 28:1, 6, 6; John 20:19; Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:1-2. We learn something of the practice of the Church within a few years after the death of the apostles from the let ter of Pliny to Trajan: "The Chris tians,” he writes, "are accustomed to meet together on a stated day before it is light and to sing hymns to Christ as God.” How Sunday was kept by Christians about the year 140 is fully
APRIL 4, 1020 Thoughts Suggested By Easter 1 Cor. 15:65-68; Col. 3:1-4 (Consecration Meeting) How few genuine Easter thoughts there are. How deplorable it is that so many are ignorant of the true meaning of this glorious day. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the moBt momentous fact of all history, the greatest exhibition of Ged’s power, the greatest truth of the Gos pel and the best assurance of coming glory. The resurrection of the Lord Jesus is the central theme of the apos tolic teaching and should be given a larger place in our thought and teach ing. The resurrection of the Lord Jesus' means— I. The Substantiation of the Scrip tures. Psa. 16:10; Job 19:25, 26; Isa. 26:19; Luke 24:45, 46; Acts 13:32, 33. II. The Substantiation o f His claims of Deity. Rom. 1:4; Matt. 17:23; 20: 17-19; 27:62, 63; Mark 9:9, 31; 14: 28; John 2:19-21; Luke 24:7. III. A Sure Foundation for our Faith. All of man’s future— his weal or woe— heaven or hell— salvation or damnation— depend upon the death of Christ and His subsequent resurrec tion/ The crucifixion and resurrection are the two central pillars of the Gos pel. 1 Cor. 15:1-3, 17. IV. The Seal o f Approval. His death was the price of redemption. The work was finished on the Cross and the Res urrection shows that God was satis fied. Rom. 4:24-26; 5 :1 ; 8:33, 34r It was God’s great "Amen” to the “ It is finished” cry of His Son. V. Supremacy qver Sin and Death. Rev. 1:18; 1 Cor/ 16:66-57; Rom. 6: 9, 10, 14. VI. Subjugation of Satan. Heb. 2: 14, 15. By the resurrection of Christ, Satan’s power over the Christian was rendered ineffective. VII. The Subsequent Resurrection o f all Men. 1 Cor. 16:20, 21; John 5: 25-27; 1 These. 4:14; 2 Cor. 4:14; John 14:19. The importance of the doctrine of the resurrection is seen by the fact that there are over one hundred direct references in the New Testament to His resurrection. One of the best evi dences of the resurrection of our Lord is the regenerated, changed and trans formed liven of men and women by the power of the living Christ. APRIL 11, 1920 How Can We Show Our Christian Love? 1 Opr. 13; Matt. 26:40 Where there is Christian love, there inevitably follows the expression or manifestation of that love. . 1 John 3:14-19 presents to us a wonderful picture of love.
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