April 1926
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
classes in private homes, and also vis its Jewish families. Recently lantern pictures were shown at one of these classes. There were forty or fifty Jew ish children in attendance, who gave the very best of attention. This work is being blessed of the Lord. In addi tion to these workers there are about twenty students, who are doing effi cient and faithful work. Class Work In one of the class-rooms of the Institute the students who do their assigned work in the Jewish Depart ment meet once a week to receive in struction concerning the best methods o f approach to the Jew. This class has proved a blessing ,to the students. Street Work Each week our team of young men go out on the truck and preach to the Jews on the street. Like all other street work among the Jews these meetings are sometimes rather noisy. But when the Word of the Lord is preached faithfully His blessings rest upon it, for it will not return to Him void but shall accomplish that whereunto He has sent it. Recently two little Jewish boys said they, believed Jesus is the Jewish Messiah. Pray that we may lead them on to an out and out accept ance of Jesus as their Saviour and Lord. .¿16. m WINONA BIBLE CONFERENCE PROGRAM COMPLETED EARLY For the first time in the history of Winona Assembly and Bible Confer ence the program for the summer ses sion of the Bible Conference was com pleted before the first of the year. The Director laid his plans early to secure leading talent of the world before they were dated elsewhere. The Thirty-second Annual Winona Lake Bible Conference, which convenes August 13-22 next, doubtless will be the greatest in the history of the 'In stitution. The following list of speak ers is assured because they have been contracted with: Prof. A. T. Robertson, D. D., Prof. George L. Robinson, D. D., Dr. Clinton T. Howard, Dr. Henry Howard, Peter Macfarlane, Dr. Len R. Scarborough, Bishop S. T. Spreng, Dr. M. E. Dodd, Dr. H. A. Ironside, Rev. Edward C. Clarke, Dr. J. C. Broomfield, Evan gelists C. G. Jordan, M. B. Williams, Bob Jones and the Mission Boys. Last year an interesting feature of the Bible Conference Program was a conference on Missions to w h i c h a couple of hours of each day was given. This feature met with such response that a special Missionary Conference program is prepared this year to be held a week previous to the opening of the Bible Conference. It will be called the Dr. R. H. Glover Summer School of Missions. All missionaries home on furlough are urged to at tend this Conference and enjoy the programs. Special arrangements for entertainment of Missionaries can be made by writing the Director of the Conference, Rev. W. E. Biederwolf, D. D., Winona Lake, Indiana. More valuable Improvements to the Park are being made this spring, and everything will be in readiness for the opening of the season in June.
By presenting the “ Good News ’ among the foreign population. By advertising the Gospel in the daily press. V~£ , By helping in the regular services of our church and Sunday School. By giving of our money. By praying, earnestly and whole heartedly, "Lord, send a revival and let it begin in me,” and “ Give me a passion for souls.” What finally is the hope of our cities becoming truly Christian? The return of Christ. “ Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly.” He is the only One who can heal the festering sores of our cities, who can give cleansing from all sin, the only One who can bind' up broken hearts, who can give power to conquer sin and Satan. Let us pray and watch and do everything possible to “ bring back the King:” been set apart as a time when we, of the Jewish Department, together with interested friends, even though sep arated in body, yet united in spirit, can bring our burdens to Him with the assurance that He will hear and an swer if in accordance with His will. This daily season of prayer has already deepened the spiritual life of the de partment, and God is showing His approval by answering prayer. Praise be to His Name. The Lyceum Room Prayer.-Meeting The regular Thursday morning prayer-meeting for work among the Jews is moving along regularly and with great Interest. This meeting is attended by those whose hearts are burdened for the Jewish work. Those who come to the meeting live in differ ent parts of the city, but the common burden for Israel’s evangelization and salvation impels them to lay aside the duties of the day and meet together in this spiritual fellowship of inter cession. In these meetings prayer is made for our Jewish work in Los An geles in particular, and also for the work of God among the Jews through out the world. At a recent meeting it was unanim ously decided that the first Thursday of each month should be set apart as a day of prayer and fasting in behalf of the work among the Jews through out the world. The Lord will surely*-' honor the prayers and intercession of these earnest hearts. We shall be glad if those having re quests to bring before the throne of Grace will write us, giving details that we may pray intelligently concerning them. Address: "Jewish Department, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California.” House to House Work One worker, together with a friend who is deeply interested in Jewish work, usually covers from twenty to fifty miles every day visiting different Jewish homes, getting acquainted, and endeavoring to win the families to the Lord. Another worker conducts Bible
men and women about tbe Lord, in pressing home His claims upon them. By getting people to read the Word of God or portions thereof. In one city two hundred thousand copies of the special, soul-winner’s edition of the Gospel of John were distributed from door to door by an army of sev eral hundred workers, on a Saturday and a Sunday afternoon, with very gratifying results. The city was di vided into districts, the population of each district was obtained from the compilers of the city directory, cap tains appointed for each district and the workers assigned to their places. By distributing the Gospels among various classes of people— the police men, firemen, street-railway men, laundry workers, etc. By street meetings and services in factories, jails, hospitals, etc. With all the problems confronting both capital and labor, we believe there comes a time when we all need to have a mutual readjustment or our differ ing view points.. Faithful, practical preaching of the Word of God accomp lishes this very thing. May He con tinue to help us as we go about this Important branch of our Father’s business. WORK AMONG THE JEWS David L. Cooper, Supt.— Bible Claaaea and Personal Work. Street Meetings and Semi monthly Mass Meetings for Jews of Los Angeles. * B sjjN a brief way we wish to Si speak of some things the B Lord has done for the Jew- H ish work. He has blessed us ™ and opened doors that we might give out the Word, due to earnest, sincere prayer. He has not ceased to answer our cries, but in a signal way has answered many peti tions. Home Prayer-Meeting The Lord has poured out upon us the spirit of prayer and supplication as never before. In our own home (4013 Bernice Street, Los Angeles, California) we have an all day prayer- meeting every Tuesday. Those whose hearts are burdened for the preaching of the Gospel to Israel, come together and intercede for the progress of the work. Prayer is made in faith, be lieving that God would have us give the Gospel to the Jew at this time, as it seems evident from current events that we are rapidly approaching the end of the age. Lists of subjects for prayer are brought and presented be fore the Lord in detail, for we believe He is interested in the smallest con cerns of our lives— even to the very hairs of our heads. This meeting has already proved a great blessing to those who attend. Office Prayer-Meeting Since there is power in united prayer (Matt. 18:19), the period from nine to nine-thirty every morning has
EVANGELISTIC DEPARTMENT (Continued from page 209)'
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