medical attention it was found she could not remain in India. She expects to be in a hospital near her home at Riverside, Calif., for some time and hopes aB a result she shall be fully restored to health and that God may make it possible for her to return to her work in India. Let us remem ber her in our prayers. In a recent letter to Mrs. McAnlis, Miss Marguerite Rouse tells of the many Interesting experiences she 1 b having in her work at the Dwight Indian Training School, Marble City, Oklahoma. This school is conducted by the Board of National Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the United States. She speaks of the great joy and hap piness which she has in her work among the Indian boys and girls, and Is so thankful that the Lord has called her into this part of His work. She says she is remembering B. I. folks in prayer and asks us to remember her. Miss Ethel Stockton, *26, now at 206 South 3rd Street, Missoula, Mon tana, in a recent letter to a friend here says: “ The Lord has closed the way to India for a time at least. Last week the doctor made an X-ray exam ination and said I had ‘T. B.’ in both lungs. Have had a high temperature for some time, but did not know what caused it. I- am ordered to bed for six weeks. Other doctors have con firmed this so I guess I’ll have to obey. Never thought I’d come to this.” Then she quotes— “ It’s yes to God forever, He knows what’s best for me. So I will still say Amen Whatever it may be.” Let us all unite jn prayer for Miss Stockton that she may be restored to health soon. Albert G. Seigle, ’ 14, in a letter from Bangkok, Siam, December 14, 1926, says: “ After a splendid year in the homeland with loved ones and friends, it was indeed a great joy to be greeted by many familiar, as well as new faces upon our return to Siam and to hear the Chinese express their Joy at our return. It made us feel we were truly missed and now there were hearts ready to welcome us back into their lives and work. “ We were made very happy by the welcome extended to us by our fellow missionaries, school children and church people, but that which height ened our Joy the most were the new faces who had been won to Christ dur ing our absence and the many evi dences of spiritual growth in the lives of others, and the progress made to ward an indigenous Chinese church. “ We still crave your prayers, that we may be mightily used of the Lord
ALUMNI MID-WINTER RE-UNION On January 29th the Alumni Asso ciation held a most enjoyable re-union. The feature of the occasion was the time of fellowship with the students in the dining room where supper was served. A very fine program was ren dered by our student talent. Dr. Mac- Innis presided in the dining room and was accorded a most enthusiastic wel come by students and Alumni. After the dinner the Alumni and husbands and wives adjourned to the social rooms across the court and had a time of prayer and testimony. Rev. John A. Hubbard, Superintendent of Men of the Bible Institute, gave an inspiring devotional talk. Several Alumni members paid their dues! Cheers! Meeting adjourned at 10 P. M. ALUMNI NEWS Married , On November 26th, 1926, at Con cepcion,- Paraguay, South America, Miss Eva Marven, of the Inland South America Missionary Union, Concep cion, was united in marriage to Mr. F. Ernest Diem (B. I. 1921) of the same Mission. Their headquarters are now at Bella Vista, Matto Orosso, Brazil. At Pawnee Rock, Kansas, on August 30th, 1926, at the home of the bride’s parents, Miss Pauline Schmidt, ’ 26, was united in marriage to Mr. W. F. Unruh, of Newton, Kansas. They are now students at the Witmarsum The ological Seminary, Bluffton, Ohio, and planning to go to China this fall if funds sufficient are received by that time. This information has Just reached the editor of B. I. Happenings— evi- ' Gently some of our “ reporters” are not on the job. ' Births The latest addition to our Alumni family, of which we have been advised, is Paul Vincent Steffan, who has come to gladden the home of Rev. and Mrs. Vincent J. Steffan who live at 3042 % Royal,' Los Angeles. Mrs. Steffan was Elsie Hammerlund, B. I. *17. A card from Mr. and Mrs. Victor A. Barton, 1066% North Avenue 61, an nounces the safe arrival of Victor Alvin, Jr., to bring' added Joy and happiness to their home. Mr. Barton is a graduate of the Bible Institute, class of 1923, Deaths In Los Angeles, February 16th, 1926, of pneumonia, Miss Frances T. Retd, class of 1921. Miss Reid had been for some time actively engaged in work with the Baptist City Mission Society here in Los Angeles. “ To de part and be with Christ; which 1 b far better.”
If the Alumni appreciate and enjoy these two pages which the management of the “ K. B.” have so graciously set aside for our exclusive use, please send a line to the Editor of Bible In stitute Happenings, care Bible Institute, Los Angeles.
GENERAL NEWS Miss Altabelle Heller, ’ 19, is now taking some post graduate work at the Missionary Training School at Nyack, New York. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Siemans are now permanently settled in the pastorate at Salem Mission, Elk Park, North Carolina. Mr. Siemans completed the post graduate work in 1924. E. W. Stuchberry, '22, came near being killed recently while driving his family and some friends to prayer meeting in his Ford sedan. They were run into and their car was completely overturned. In the car was Victor Barton, ’ 23, and wife. Mrs. Barton was badly cut about the face and Mr. Barton badly bruised. Mrs. Stuch berry was in bed for some time, suf fering from shock. We truly thank God that the results were not more serious. Miss Amanda Heidebrecht, ’ 26, in a recent letter states that she and Miss Huntley, ’ 26, ar6 being greatly blessed in their Medical training course at Bethel Hospital, Newton, Kansas. One of their patients became so interested in what they said abdut B. I. that he now wants his daughter to come out here. They asked to be remembered to the Faculty, for whom they are praying. May the Lord lay it on the heart of some of us to remember them in prayer. Miss Katherine Huyser, ’ 26, writes of her recent hike from Los Angeles to Texas and thence to Colorado Springs. This 2,000 mile hike was made in mid winter but God gave the hikers sun shine all the way. It rained in places which they left and stopped raining at places which they were approaching. Miss Huyser writes of the great bless ings received in spreading the Good News along the highway from Cali fornia to Colorado. When it comes to crossing the country in flivvers or on shanks mare our B. I. girls are in the van every time. Miss Grace L Polklnghorn, ’ 23, in a recent letter to Dr. Atkinson, writ ten from Holbrook, Mass., says she was hurriedly sent back to America by the doctors in. India where she had been stationed for some time. In spite of an operation and the best of
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