King's Business - 1926-04


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

April 1926

inal forms and the consequent need to augment the vocabulary. During the past ten years thousands of new terms have been absorbed into the language and corresponding terms may now be found for almost every foreign word or expression. “ The extent to which the vocabu­ lary has developed may be guaged from the scholarly compilation in Dr. Waldstein's new English,-Hebrew Dic­ tionary of over 20,000 current and authoritative Hebrew equivalents for English and international terms pre­ sented.” JEWISH FEASTS For those who are Interested in God's chosen people (all of God’s peo­ ple should be) the following list of Jewish feasts is of especial Interest. Just a little familiarity with Jewish manners and customs gives a point of contact we could not otherwise have. Below is a calendar for 1926-6 which is somewhat more extended than the one appearing on page 94 of the Feb­ ruary issue. First Day of Chaunkah (Feast of Dedication) Saturday, December 12 (Commemorating the triumphs of Judas Maccabaeus and rededication of the Temple at Jerusalem) New Moon Tebeth (10th Month)— Thursday, December 17. Fast of Tebeth— Sunday, December 27, (Commemorating the commence­ ment of the siege of Jerusalem). (Not observed by Reform synagogues.) New Moon Shebat (11th Month)— Saturday, January 16. New Moon Adar (12th Month)— Sunday, February 14. Purim (Feast of Lots)— Sunday, February 28. (To mark the traditional escape from destruction through Queen Esther). New Moon Nissan (1st Month)— Tuesday, March 16. First Day of Pessach, Passover (The Feast of Liberty)— Tuesday, March 30. (Commemorating the release from Egyptian Bondage.) Seventh Day of Pessach— Monday, April 5. New Moon Iyar (2nd Month)— Wednesday, April 14. Lag B’Omer— Sunday, May 2. (Com­ pletion of the Counting of the First Fruit Offerings.) New Moon Sivan (3rd Month)— Friday, May 14. First Day of Shabuoth (The Feast of Weeks)— Wednesday, May 19. (Commemorating the Early Harvest and the Giving of the Law.) New Moon Tammuz (4th Month)— Saturday, June 12. Fast of Tammuz— Tuesday, June 29. (Marking Breach in the Wall of (Continued on page 238)

in Council, I, Field Marshal, Herbert Charles ’ Onslow, Baron Plumer, HI s Majesty’s High Commissioner for Pal­ estine and Commander in Chief there­ in, do hereby proclaim and provide as follows: “ Palestine shall be divided for the purposes of administration into the following Districts and Sub-Districts: “ ta) The Northern District compris­ ing the Sub-Districts of Haifa, Acre, Nazareth, Tiberias, Safad, Nablus, Jenin, Tulkarem and Beisan, with its headquarters at Haifa. " ( b ) The Jerusalem-Southern Dis­ trict with its headquarters at Jerusa­ lem, comprising the sub-districts of Jerusalem, Rainallah, Bethlehem, Jer­ icho, Jaffa, Ramleh, Gaza, Hebron and Beersheba.” >¿; ■ j —Plumer, F. M., High Commissioner. A REVIVAL OF THE HEBREW LANGUAGE It has been commonly accepted by most people that the Hebrew, together with the Greek and Latin, is a dead language, but the following from the “ Jewish Bra” of Chicago, 111., shows it is indeed living today: “ Less than twenty years ago scep­ tics abounded,” says the “ Palestine Weekly,” “ who declared Hebrew to be a dead language, as useless for mod­ ern purposes as ancient Greek or Latin. Today there exists in Palestine a generation which knows no other tongue and expresses its every need exclusively in Hebrew. The rapidity with which this ancient language has caught up with modern speech has been due to the elasticity of the orig­

RABBI BAUCH’S PLEA In a recent speech delivered by Rab­ bi Rauch of Louisville, Kentucky, according to a news item in the “ Glory of Israel,” the distinguished Jewish scholar presents the need of Judaism, and insists upon preparing a manual for the Instruction of proselytes. Be­ low is an extract from the above men­ tioned paper: At a conference of American rabbis held in Cincinnati recently, Rabbi Rauch, of Louisville, presented a pre­ liminary report of the committee as­ signed the task of preparing a manual for the instruction of proselytes. “ For 2,000 years," he said, “ the Jews have desisted from active means of obtain­ ing converts, and the time has come when we must be more aggressive in this respect.” This is another bud on the old Jew­ ish fig tree. After 2,500 years Eze­ kiel's prophecy concerning the “ dry bones” 1 b being fulfilled. There is a stirring in the house of Israel which will become more and more noticeable as the day of the Lord approaches. DESTROYING THE JEWS Russia has announced, in recent years, that it would destroy God. Russia and other nations have decided, over and over again, that they would destroy the Jews. It is as easy to de­ stroy the Jews as to destroy God,— no easier. For God decided, before the foundation of the world, that the Jews should not be destroyed; God has given His word for this; and God keeps His word. In a remarkable ser­ mon on the Jews the Rev H. O. Van Gilder, pastor of the Central Baptist Church of Columbus, Ohio, has Bald: “ Time after time has the Devil massed hiB forces to exterminate the Jews, time after time have men pursued them to the verge of destruction, time after time have bloody hands been reached out to clutch the last remnant, and time after time the pursuit has ended with a crash as their enemies have plunged headlong and blindly against the adamantine wall of the promises of God!” What a blessing to the world that adamantine wall of God is! What a blessing to us, when Satan seeks to destroy u b ! Are we sharing in the blessing that God has pledged to those who bless the Jews? — S. S. Times. NEW PARTITION OF DISTRICTS IN PALESTINE Lord Plumer, the new High Com­ missioner of Palestine, has issued, ac­ cording to the “ Jewish Era,’* the fol­ lowing proclamation concerning the partition of Palestine into new dis­ tricts: “ Now therefore in exercise of the powers vested in me by the said order


and a kindly heart and hand has saved many souls. The story of “ The Little Red Gos­ pel of John” would fill a big book. Seven hundred thou­ sand have already been dis­ tributed, and they are now being published in foreign languages, s t i l l retaining, however, the red covers. The eighth 100,000 is now on the press. Read about it on page 180.

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