King's Business - 1926-04


thers, Confessors, Martyrs, Reform­ ers, and other believers whoi ¡Buffered for the truth.” (Seeley, Service & Co., Ltd.,) (7s.) $3.25 The Tabernacle, Priesthood and Offerings, by I. M. Haldeman, D. D. Dr. Haldeman has been an outstanding Bible student for many years and brings to this worthy task a ripe expe­ rience. The study of the Tabernacle never fails to bring our Lord into closer and clearer fellowship with the believer and glorifies His High-Priest­ ly character. The objective purpose of the symbols and service of the Tab­ ernacle is to bring men face to face with the sacrificial life and death of Christ and the assurance of His return to this earth. The 38 chapters give ample suggestions for 38 lectures or studies, and the ten beautiful illustra­ tions illumine the teaching. (Revell) $2.50 The Summarized Bible (Second Edi­ tion) by Keith L. Brooks. Mr. Brooks is Secretary of the Correspondence School of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and has compiled this "Sum­ marized Bible” with the hope that it will he the means of stimulating Chris­ tians to pursue a daily course of read­ ing in the Bible. It will act as an aid to the ordinary reader in gathering into brief statements the definite spir­ itual lessons for the daily life con­ tained in every chapter of the Bible, and will also show clearly how the image of Christ appears on every page of the Word of God. The “ Calendar for Bible Reading,” the “ Index of the Bible,” the “ Index of Bible Promises” are all valuable helps. (Biola Book Room) Paper $1.25; Cloth $1.75 Human Destiny: After Death What? by C. H. Fountain, author of “ The Bible or the Modern Pulpit,” an indictment of Modernist Teaching, and other help­ ful expositions. (4d.) 10 cents Life and Death, Hades or Sheol, by C. J. Baker. An examination of the Scriptures as to the state of - the soul after death, illustrated by a chart in five colors (B. I. Colportage Ass’n) 25 cents New Light on the Virgin Birth, by F. W. Pitt. Read the leaflet and be ready to answer the Christ-denying preachers who question the virgin birth of our Lord. (B.- I. Colportage Ass'n) 10 cents Booklets and Pamphlets How to Get Right with God, and Other Noon-day Talks to Busy People, by James M. Gray, D. D., President of Moody Bible Institute, Chicago. The five talks contained in this little book­ let were given in a Chicago theater by Dr. Gray during the noon hours of

The Open Gate to Prayer, by Mabel N. Thurston. Mrs. Robert E. Speer says of this little volume: “ The truths in it are too great for the oldest to have apprehended, and the wisest have forgotten many of the things of which Miss Thurston reminds us, but it is all so vividly stated and with such terse phrases that the youngest girl will like it.” (Revell) 60 cents The Prophetic Outlook T o d a y : Where are We Now in Prophecy? by Rev. E. P. Cachemaille, M. A. Dr. Cachemaille has been a student of prophecy for many years. World con­ ditions and church conditions demand that loyal Christian teachers should apply themselves to prophetic study and, while there are minor differ­ ences of interpretation, the great facts are outstanding and the time is draw­ ing near for the crisis. “ Be ye ready” is the command, “ for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of Man com- eth.” (Morgan & Scott) (3 /6 ) $1.50 Evangelistic Sermons, by J. C. Mas- see, D. D., Pastor of Tremont Temple, Boston. Dr. Massee is a real evan­ gelistic preacher and these sermons are the best evidence of that state­ ment. We wish the foreword of the book could be in the hands of every preacher in the world. You will find a list of arguments from the "Fore­ word” in another section of this maga­ zine, with an appeal that it be read. The volume contains nine Sermons and is heartily commended to every reader of this magazine. You can do nothing better than to purchase this book and pass it on to others (Revell) $1.50 Cruden’s Useful Concordance. Every Bible student, every Sunday School teacher and every definite reader of the Bible should.possess this valuable book. Spurgeon well says of lt:> “ It is a work of absolutely priceless value.” This new edition is of handy size and comprehends many more ref­ erences than are in several concord­ ances, some of which are very defi­ cient in references to evangelical pas­ sages and to those bearing on faith and practice. To these the compiler paid particular attention and has in­ cluded nearly the whole of such ref­ erences. (John Ritchie, Scotland) (3 /6 ) $1.50 Daily Devotional Bible Readings, from Genesis to Revelation, for Fam­ ily and Other Worship, by I. Duncan Bulkley, A. M., M. D. This book, pub­ lished originally as “ F i v e Minute Bible Readings” is entirely different from anything with which we are ac­ quainted, and when properly under­ stood and utilized it will, we are cer­ tain, prove of the greatest value to a wide circle of readers. Entirely in the words of the Bible, it gives a bird’s-

Any book reviewed or adver­ tised In the columns of The King's Business may be ob­ tained at Biola Book Room, 536-508 South Hope Street, Dos Angeles, Calif. . ,

eye view of the Scriptures.and of God’s dealings with His children, in a man­ ner difficult to otherwise obtain; it will present the Bible in a new light to very many. (Revell) $2.00 The Beast, Modernism and the Evangelical Faith, by Francis Asa Wight. The prevailing topic among Bible teachers today is the theme of Christ's Return and the relation of that theme to the Book of Révélation. This book treats of the rapid fulfill­ ment of the signs of Christ’s return to usher in His reign of righteousness on earth. The clashing of these tremen­ dous forces of heaven and hell is the culminating battle of Armageddon which results in the utter destruction of the evil forces, both of state and religion, and the establishing of .Christ’s visible kingdom upon earth, “ The Millennium.” (Stratford Com­ pany) $2.00 “ Things Most Surely Believed,” A Study in Christian Essentials for Growing Workers, by Gerrit Verkuly, Ph. D., D. D. This much needed and helpful manual is an attempt to set forth, in an uncontroversial spirit, the essentials of the Christian faith con­ cerning which the whole of evangelical Christendom is virtually agreed. The twelve chapters— each of which deals concretely with some essential tenet of Christian belief— are in all instan­ ces supplemented by a set of “ Sug­ gestions for Discussion” and a brief bibliography pointing the way to fur­ ther enlightenment a n d research along the line of s t u d y indicated. (Revell) $1.50 The Visions of Daniel and Revela­ tion Explained, by Rev. E. P. Cache­ maille, M. A., a volume of twenty-six chapters, with 24 maps and diagrams. The purpose of the book as stated by the author, is to “ set forth, in plain and popular language and non-con- troversial form, a complete historical explanation of the symbolic prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. * * * No real student of the prophecies can be con­ tent to know one view alone, however popular it may seem to be at the time; only by looking at the subject from more than one side can he attain to firm and intelligent conviction. That is what this volume aims to provide, and “ Historicist” interpreters are in good company, standing with the Fa­

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