T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
April 1926
Holy Week. They are expository in character, popular in style, and aimed to indicate the practical side of faith. (Revell) Palestine, and The Warfare of the End (New edition), by Rev. E. P. Cachemaille, M. A. This leaflet con tains an exposition of Daniel 11:40- 12:1; Rev. 19:3, 19, 20, and is of special interest to prophetic students (Chas. J. Thynee) ( 4 d . ) 10 cents Evolution Simply Explained and Simply Refuted, by P. O. Parker, Prin cipal Christian Workers Bible School, Glasgow. A splendid booklet for the common people, brief but plain and practical. Put it into the hands of young people. (Hulbert Pub. Co., Glas gow) (6d.) 25 cents The Law and the Prophets, not The Prophets vs. The Law, by Rev. Os wald T. Allis, Ph. D., Assistant Profes sor of Semitic Philology in Princeton Theological Seminary. Just send ten cents to The Presbyterian, 1217 Mar ket St., Philadelphia, and secure this valuable leaflet in defense of the Word of God. A Handbook of Christian Psychol ogy in Outline Form, by Professor Leander 8. Keyser, D. D. The beloved author of this little booklet s a y s : “ Much dangerous psychology is being taught today. The minister needs to know how to counteract it and set the true principles before his people, es pecially in the instruction of the young. The author believes that the Bible supplies the true data for a sys tem of psychology, if properly cor related with the real results of scien tific research.” 35 cents Booklets from Marshall Bros. (London) Songs and Poems, by Stanley G. Mills, 226 poems covering a great var iety of subjects. (2 /6 ) $1.00 Twenty Years in Lambaland, by Arthur J. Cross, a record of mission ary work among the Lamba-speaking people of Northern Rhodesia and Bel gian Congo. (6d) 15 cents • . Truth Triumphant, addresses deliv ered at the annual gathering of the Fraternal Union for Bible Testimony in support of the full inspiration of the Bible, at Royal Albert Hall, London, December 1, 1925. The Unsearchable Riches of Christ, by Bertha Fennel. Twelve wonderful pictures of Christ are here presented, s u g g e s t i n g U-nion, N-ewness, S-trength, E-xcellence, A-bility, R-oyal B-ounty, C-ommunion, H-ope, A-ssur- ance, B-eauty, L-imitless L o v e , E-mmanuel— all soul-inspiring a n d good material for special addresses or sermons. , A 1 A. 1 A DISCUSSION OF DRESS “ Serving the God of Fashion” is the title of a booklet which discusses present day styles of dress, bobbed hair, etc., from a Bible standpoint. Sent free on request. Order from the author, A. B. Funderburk, Grapeland, Texas.
They CalledMç a Human Clam ButIChangedAlmostOvernight A S I passed the President’s office I
portant territory to a salesm anager’s d esk : another from the rank and file of political w ork ers to a post o f national im portance; a tim id retiring, s e lf-c o n - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ s c i o u s man to change
could not help hearing m y name. In stin ctively I paused to listen. "T h a t human clam ,” he w as saying,
“can’t represent us. H e's a hard w orker, but he seem s to have no ab il ity to exp ress him self. I had hoped to m ake him a branch m anager this fa ll, but he seem s to w ithdraw farther and farther into his shell all the tim e. I ’ve given up hopes of m ak ing anything out o f him. So that w as it! That w as the reason why I had been passed over tim e and again when promotions were being m ade! T h at w as w hy I w as ju st a plodder— a truck horse for our firm, capable of doing a lot o f h e a v y 4 , w ork , but of no use where brilliant perform ance w as re quired. I w as a failure unless I could do what
■ a lm o s t overnight into a popular and much a p - . plauded a f t e r-dinner s p e a k e r . Thousands have accomplished ju st s u c h am azing things through this simple, easy, yet effective training. Send for This Amazing Book This new method of fu lly de-r scribed in a very inter- and "In form ative esting book let which is n o w being sent to everyone m a ilin g the c o u l p o n at right. Th is book is called. H ow to W o rk W ond ers W ith W ord s. In it you are shown how to conquer sta ge fright, self-con sciou sn ess, tim training is ability get what they want by the sheer power of convincing speech. Not only men who have made millions but thousands have sent for this book—and are unstinting in their praiso of it. Tou are told how to bring out and develop your price less- **hidden knack**—the natural gift within you—which will win for you advancement in p o s i t i o n and salary, popularity, s o c i a l standing, power and real success. Tou can obtain your copy absolutely free by sending the coupon.
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