April 1926
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
Teacher’s Bibles A Treasure House of Biblical Information The helps will - illuminate every P *l« of the Sacred Text and impart vivid interest and joy to your study of the Scriptures. These helps take the place of m a n y books about the Bible. Conveniently ar ranged in alphabetical order, with many full-page illustrations and fifteen beauti fully colored maps. BLACK-FACED TYPE EDITION Size 7% x5xl % inches
B L A N C H A R D M E M O R I A L B U I L D I N G Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois Jonathan Blanchard, Founder (1111-1892) ; Charles Albert RI»nrKurd. President 1 1545-1625)
--------------- Specimen o f 2 ype ------------ — xo For every beast of the forest it mine, and thecattle uponathousand hills. xx I know all the fowls of the mountains: and d the wild beastsof the field are *mine.
office covers the entire sixty-five years of Whoaton*e history. The now building will pro- vide much needed offices. Library and Study Rooms. Y . M. C. A. and Y . W . C. A. Rooms. Literary Society Auditoriums, Missionary V ol unteer's Hall and Prayer R oom . Pray that its mnv Km , n p p d i 1 v consummated.
The friends of Whoeton College— one of the few institutions of learning which in these days stand for sound fundamental teaching regarding the doctrines of the evangelical Christian faith— will be delighted to know of this proposed memorial to the Blanchards, father and son, whose combined tenure of
No. 0 4 4 5 1 — M orocco Grained Keratol, overlapping cover*, round corners and red under 1 gold edge* ........... - $3.50 No. 04453— F r e n c h Morocco Leather, overlapping cover*, round corner* and red under gold edges .................... $4.35 No. 05453— Samo a* No. 04453, with the w ord* o f Jesus Chri*t printed in red — ............... $5.25 Oxford India Paper Edition Same as No. 04453, but print ed on O xford India paper and only one inch thick. No. 0773x— French M o r o c c o Leather, overlapping cover*, round corners, red under gold edges, headbands and book- SELF-PRONOUNCING EDITION All proper name* and difficult w ords divided into syllables and accented so they m ay be co r rectly pronounced. Sizes oVsX SVfcxI % inches. ■— Specimen o f Type ------------------ T
When you do the devil a good turn he thinks one good turn deserves another and usually gets it. The worst always confronts the worldling, but the best is always be fore the believer. Don’t sacrifice your principles in order to succeed, but make your prin ciples the basis of success. It Is easier to give advice to another than to follow your own advice. Try It out. Fasting and prayer have largely gone out of fashion in the Churota, and so has fellowship and power from above. One reason why we have so few leaders Is because so few people know where they are going or why. The policy of church politics is more refined than formerly but carries the same Satanic signs when uncovered. Mussolini has no trouble in running things. When he wants a law made he writes it down and says “ All in favor” and then dittoes every name. There are no “ noes.” Some Christians are satisfied with crumbs of comfort when feasting from the table of the Lord, but there is an invitation to a bounteous banquet to whosoever will. The difference between a Funda mentalist and a Modernist is that the Fundamentalist has a well-founded foundation upon which to stand while the Modernist is a movie actor.
No man Is greater than bis vision. From envy to enmity is but a step and one easily taken. Eternal destinies are determined by the decisions of men. The more you help some people the less they help themselves. The faith of the faithful is firmly fixed on the unfailing Word of Qod. God needs nothing at man’s hands, but God’s hand supplies all man’s need. The signs of the times are multi plying and many are electrifying. The greatest wickedness is to per vert the way of heavenly wisdom. The proof of a pure Gospel is found in opposition as well as in conversions. Tho world is upside down; the Gos pel of Jesus Chrjst will turn it right side up. The purpose of a “ detour” Is to provoke your patience and test your tires. The family trees are increasing in number and so is the variety of nuts they produce. Salvation is a priceless gift but it can be obtained without money and without price. There may be danger in overdoing some things, hut no danger in doing them over-well.
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