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THE BIBLE: THE WORD OF GOD (Continued from page 198)
week and starving it the next. Our soul needs its spiritual meals if faith is to be strong, hope bright, and Joy perennial. (8) The Bible is a Light to Our Path The Psalmist exclaims, “ Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path,” What a light! How essential! God’s Book is not a lux ury, It Is a necessity. How little we would know about the forgiveness of sin, salvation of the soul, immortality of life, if it were not for the revealed truth we read in this inspired volume. The Book is a light,— that is what we need! Not stars,— they are clouded sometimes. I have traveled nights through the woods when I would have traded all the stars I did have for one lantern I did not have; and yet I love the stars. I have sat under the drip of their beauty and felt the splash of their light on my face, but sometimes, __sometimes, when the road is rough and the night is dark, I need a light nearer to my path that will show me the way my feet ought to go. The Bible is a Lamp to the Soul Whither is the soul going? To the grave? No! It only looks at the grave and then walks right through it into the celestial light of the heavenly life. I had a friend once and I loved him. I could love him all I wanted to. He was a bachelor and had no wife to be jealous. Sometimes £e would come miles to hear me preach and I would ask, “ Why have yon come so far?” Sick with a fatal disease I did not know about, he would sometimes say, “ One of your sermons will be the last I shall hear.” Not long ago he went home to glory thinking of the message he had heard preached on the Book of Light. Oh, Bible, stay by me!- As my soul goes down into the valley of the shadow of death, make the road radi ant that leads the way to eternal life. The world cannot do without you. As long as men and women are sick and suffering and sinfnl, they will have to have you. Wonderful Book of the Wonderful Christ, I have sung my song of love to your undying Influence on my life.
wer© r diner on the train. Receiving the answer in the negative, I turned quickly to a restaurant in the depot as I had only two and a half minutes left before the train started. I asked the waiter to put me up some sandwiches that I might eat on the train and men tioned that the time was short. He replied, “ How much time do you want? You have two and a half min utes; isn’t that time enough to eat your dinner here?” and before I knew it he had spread all I could eat upon the counter That’s the American way, — grab and go! There are spiritual feasts spread out in God's Word where we can banquet on heaven’s best, but instead of doing that, we grab a mouthful and hurry away. Half-fed and under nourished we are spiritually starving to death! Our faith knows no real strength because our soul is not fed on the vitamines of God’s eternal truth. If you should buy a new automo bile, the dealer would undoubtedly give you ten gallons of gas free of charge. Off you would go, happy in the possession of the new oar, but at the end of something like 130 miles you suddenly stop. W h a t is the trouble? Nothing the matter with the engine or the gears; simply this,— you are out of gasoline. You have not taken time to go to a station and fill up. We can no more run our Christian life without the truth of God’s Word than we can run a car without the power of the gas. No one would think of feeding a child one
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