T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
April 1926
Little Glimpsesof Changed Lives to Bring* to Pass in Belgium Does the Belgian Gospel Mission do a needed, an effective, evangelizing work among Belgium’s crowded millions? Yes, increasingly,— a work now larger and more intensive than ever. Here are typical instances,— just «a few of them. Are they worth whi e . There can be only one answer. A Lad Who Was Not Afraid
Once He Was a Brute, But Now— ? A man in a certain town was a slave to drink. His home was thoroughly unhappy. One of the workers led him to Christ. His wife said to the worker, ” 1 cannot tell you what, a great change has taken place in him. He was a brute; now he is as gentle as a lamb. Our home used to be a hell; now it is a heaven on earth. Thus the love of God reaches into human life. The Inn-Keeper Who Heard the Word One of the Mission workers sold a few New Testaments in a certain town, and decided to visit an Inn where some men were busy unloading beer barrels. He spoke to the inn-keeper about the Gospel, but she did not want to hear of it- so he turned to the men who had meanwhile come in. They received the message with joy, and bought Testaments. Then’ to the worker s great joy, the inn-keeper’ s heart was moved, and she also bought a New Testament. How clear it is that the Word of God carries its own message to the hearts o f its hearers! The Tavern-Keeper’s Offer A woman who was the proprietor of an ELstami- net or tavern came one evening to the Mission services. Immediately afterward she offered her house, located in another quarter o f the city, to hold services there. She knew nothing of the Gospel, but she wanted to take her stand for Jesus, and she now reads the Bible eagerly. She has a service at her house each Friday evening. Her husband has not taken the same stand that his wife has, but they have sold at a loss the mechanical piano in their cabaret, and the woman now wants to close the cabaret. In this house there is a Thursday Bible School of the Mission at the invitation of this woman.
He is a little chap working in a factory as an apprentice. The boss scolded him severely one day. Tire boy answered, "I know very little about this work, but 1 know more than you do, for 1 know the way to heaven.” This same little fellow, when for the first time he knelt to pray, was reviled and kicked by his brother. But he is not ashamed o f the Gospel of Christ. Soldiers of the Lord in the Army One of the Mission workers met a soldier in a hospital and led him to Christ. Since then the soldier has made great progress in spiritual things. He has brought four or five other soldiers with him to the meetings, and when these four or five young fellows are unable to leave to come to the Gospel meetings, they have one of their own in the barracks. The officer and the adjutant and many others have been reached through the lit tle group. May their testimony become known throughout the army! The Bible As a Trade School Text Book , A young man bought a Flemish Bible a year ago at Thourout from one of the workers of the Belgian Gospel Mission. He is in a trade school where 35 workmen receive advanced lessons in general knowledge. When one of the professors told the students that in studying ancient history he could recommend no better book than^the Bible, the young man who owned one said. Sir, 1have a book like that. May I bring it? " "Yes, replied the professor, “ and I recommend to all you fellows to buy that book because we will use it as a text book for our course.” May this pro fessor and the boys themselves be brought to the foot of the cross!
The workers in the Mission— there are 63 o f them— are busy in evangelization Testa ment, Bible and tract distribution, and in training others m Bible Institute and in Sunday school Through the thirty stations o f the Belgian Gospel Mission, located in strategic cen ters throughout the land, in hall, and tent, and street meetings, and in house-to-house col- portage and personal work, in the past year there have been distributed 1 3 8 4 Kbles, 1 2 , 2 6 4 Testaments, 83,303 Gospels and Epistles, 53,031 Scripture portions, 423,107 tracts and pamphlets, besides text-cards and booklets. This is your work— an enlarging work in activity, scope, and needs. Will you help by your gifts, as the Lord may lead you to do? All offerings for the work should be sent to Mr. C G. Trumbull, Treasurer, 1031 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. The Belgi?" Gospel Mission, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Norton, Dineton
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