April 1926
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
How God's Word Won the Heart o f a Heathen Leper (Continued from page 200) ______ '
nor any o t h e r creature, s h a l l be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.’ Thanks be unto God for Christ, risen in glory, of glorious body. He assures our mortal bodies becoming glorious, too! ‘O death, where is thy sting? O grave, w h e r e is thy victory. Hallelujah!’ ” Pray for a great blessing upon the interest of such Christians out here. And pray for us who bring them the Message of Resurrection Life in direct evangelistic preaching. WHERE ARE YOU GOING TONIGHT? “ Where are we going tonight?” Many American homes are motivat ed by that inquiry. When father gets through dinner,. he asks: “ Where are we going to night?” Before mother gets through the eve ning work she wants to know: “ Where are we going tonight?” If son is past eighteen he does not ask at home, because he has already asked his boy and girl companions: “ Where are we going tonight?” If the daughter is beyond sixteen, she and her escort or hej girl friends have all answered to their own con clusive satisfaction and without any authority of review by parent or guard ian: “ Where are we going tonight?" And if this keeps on, the first speech of the babe after it is weaned will be: "Where are we going to night?” Any careful observer can tell where that kind of a home is going— perhaps not tonight hut after a succession of feverish nights. And any student of history can tell where the country is going eventually which is made up of that kind of homes. ~i “ Where are we going tonight?” Mostly toward the pit. — Christian Statesman. lit VICTORIOUS AND HAPPY BIBLE CRUSADERS Just as we are going to press with this April issue word comes of the suc cessful issue of the battle waged by the Bible Crusaders, under the leader ship of the President, George F. Wash burn, against the teaching of evolution in tax-supported schools in Mississippi. The Clearwater (Fla.) Herald of February 25, prints the telegram sent by Mr. Washburn telling of the decis ive victory won, as follows: “ The Bible Crusaders of America voice the gratitude of eighty million Fundamentalists of this nation for the great victory won in Mississippi for
this mortal put on immortality. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?” ’ “ These marvelous sentences had laid hold on his whole being. Here was an angle from which the Gospel had penetrated him, himself; a doc trine for which his sbul hungered. His racked and broken body could appre ciate this.' He murmured over and over: ‘ "This corruptible must put on incorruption.” That means it can, it w ill!’ “ He was thinking of his body, a liv ing death; of himself as a festering mass,— impotent. And then he burst out: ‘I believe! Thanks be unto God who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!’ “ From that day he was a new man, made over from within. Not his body — broken, twisted, incomplete, repul sive as it was; but his soul— ‘born again.’ Everybody knew him for a new man, zealous in good works and scrupulous to ‘do’ all the ‘ Jesus Heaven Doctrine’ he was learning; and he kept on learning it. He *led his wife and sons to Christ. From the moment he realized something of the blessed meaning o^ Paul’s massive Resurrection chapter, his was ‘The burning heart for Jesus’— to worship Him and to make Him known. "Some months after his conversion, at Easter time, near noon, he had a vision,— a vision of Christ in glory ineffable and summoning him to that glory. (This is along the line of the experience of ‘many other ‘ first-gen eration Chinese believers’ I have come to know. I cannot explain it any more than that of numerous Bible saints.) At his command his sons were hastily called in from the field; told in detail what he had seen and heard, enjoined to live wholly for Christ; and in formed that he would leave them that day! “ His affairs had already been put in order. That evening, with the family gathered weeping around him, his spirit took its flight. He was-without trace of personal sorrow at leaving; only had solicitude for their soul wel fare. As he passed, he chanted, like a peal of victory: ‘Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift! Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth,
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