T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
April 1926
F R E E A cop y o f "The Baffled R abbi." The great est court room witness for our L ord Jesus Christ in many years. Sent FREE. Christian Witness to Israel, Inc. 821 West 179th S t, - * N»w York City
The Friend of Missions A Journal o f Old Time Religion and Sound M issionary W ork. WUliam Fetler, Editor. Tells about C od's workings in the great Rus sian and Eastern European Mission Fields. DEVOTIONAL. INSPIRATIONAL. One Dollar per annum. P ost free. Special trial offer 25 cents for six months. The magazine is published right on the M is sion Field and will be sent to any address in the U. S. A ., Canada or elsewhere. Subscriptions can be sent in postage stamps. All comm unications to be addressed to Rev. E. E. Shields, 1844 Monroe Street, Chicago, 111.
the separation of Church and State. If it is considered objectionable to teach the Bible in tax-supported schools, it is certainly wrong to teach any other religion, whether true or false. “ Mississippi, by her action, nobly joins illustrious Tennessee and Texas in their contention. Our great victory in Mississippi will soon be followed by other states until this great Christian republic has been freed from the dom ination of Agnosticism and Atheism in our public schools and universities.’’ The "Herald” goes on to say that the fight in the House of Representa tives was directed by Dr. T. T. Martin, veteran campaigner for the Funda mentalists. The Senate battle was under the direction of Dr. I. R. Dean and Dr. L. G. Moroney, assisted by Drs. Bateman, Jones and Maples. It was only through the most vigor ous action of the Crusaders that the battle was won. During the campaign, mass meetings were held all over Mis sissippi, and thousands of telegrams and letters poured in upon the law making bodies urging the passing of the anti-evolution bill. Congratulations to these loyal lov ers of righteousness. This is a chal lenge to the other states to rise in re volt against the insidious teaching of evolution in tax supported schools. M- m IMPORTANT NOTICE TO SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTS AND TEACHERS!. Notice has already been given in The King’s Business S. S. Quarterly, and is now repeated here, that at the end of this year (1926) we will dis continue publishing helps on the Whole Bible Series of Sunday School Lessons, and devote ourselves to the International Series only, incorporat ing them with The ‘ King’s Business magazine proper, as was formerly done. This course has been deemed wise for various reasons, chief among which is the fact of much duplication be tween the Whole Bible Series and the International Series of Scripture por tions selected for study. While the International Outline will be followed, the lessons will, of course, be treated from a definitely Funda mental Standpoint, and we are sure that those who depend upon The King’s Business for help in preparing their lessons for teaching will not be disappointed. ¿life. m CAMPAIGN IN COLUMBUS Dr. John W. Ham has Just con cluded a successful evangelistic cam paign in the Central Baptist Church, Columbus, Ohio. He had as his asso ciates, John D. Hoffman, song direc tor and soloist, and Robert Harkness, well-known Australian sacred com poser-pianist. m “ If you cannot be an apostle be an epistle.”
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