April 1926
T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
“ BROADCASTING" and “ LISTENING IN” Mrs. C. F. Hogg, Highgate, London ______
seek Him,” are to listen further and learn lessons that are for them alone, that they may grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. One more word: “ Let him that hear eth say ‘Come’ ", The life of each lis tener is to voice Christ. He is to be a “ living epistle, known and read of all men;” a “ little telephone” speak ing out— broadcasting— God’s love in word and deed. “ Amongst the things that this day brings, To you may come a call, The which, unless you’re listening, You may not hear at all, Lest it be soft and very low, What’er you do, where’er you go, Be listening.” ¿iO. m HOW DO YOU SPEND YOUR VACATION? For the past twenty years some churches have taken advantage of toe summer vacation period as a time to gather the children of the neighbor hood into the Summer Vacation Bible Schools. A larger number of churches each year are seizing this opportunity to instruct the neglected children in the Bible and Christian principles and teach them many useful things in hand craft and play. As one of the • church programs puts it, “ The Daily Vacation Bible School is a valuable educational factor in the annual pro gram of every local church. It is specially adapted to reach street chil dren otherwise untouched by church and Sunday School. It is a successful= Americanization method. It is an effective evangelistic force and a thor oughly approved Home Missionary Agency.” The vacation school uses the leisure time of the children to inculcate vital, morpl and Christian principles under the direction of skillful teachers and the children thoroughly enjoy the pro gram of Bible instruction, music, story telling, handcraft, patriotic exercises and supervised play. All churches are looking for trained leaders for this important work. This Is your opportunity, young men or young women, to make the most of your summer vacation. Think of the experience you can secure and the good you may do in teaching in one of these schools. Most of them hold only morning sessions and require only half day time of the teacher. A small remuneration is paid for the services of these trained teachers. The Evening School of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles has arranged a course of three weeks for the pur pose of training these teachers and leaders in this important work. This Training Institute will begin May 10th and continue through May 28th. Com-
pga.j.y!uiiiJi DISCOVERY that seems to D m H modern people very new,.is often found to be forshad- owed in the old, familiar Book. The thought of broadcasting is fresh today, but turn to Psa. 19 for a description of God broadcasting the news that He is, and' that there is an ordered universe: “ The heavens declare the Glory of God . . . day unto day uttereth speech . . . Their voice cannot be heard. Their line is gone out through all the earth, their words to the end of the world.” This is the voice of God speaking in nature. Later we read that He spoke by the prophets, and by His Son (Heb. 1:1, 2). For the broadcasting of the message of promise, of redemption, pardon and forgiveness He limits Himself to the use of human instrumentality, either spoken or written. Messages are always, without ces sation, passing through the ether, in audible, . till “ listening in” begins. What is indispensable for this is the right kind of apparatus, which must be attuned to a certain wave length.’ There must be a correspondence be tween the instruments of the sender and the receiver or the listener would fail to hear the message meant for him. Code-words and messages alike come to tlie listener alone. “ He that cometh to God must be lieve that He is, and that- He is a re warder of them that diligently seek Him.” That is, the listener expects to hear the speech of the One for whom he is waiting. Before the canon of God’s speech to man was completed, a special promise was made to the disciples— Heaven’s telephone was to ring in their ears— “ The Holy Spirit . . . shall bring to your remembrance all that I said unto you” (John 14:26). The important point to note here is that the Spirit brings to remembrance what has already been spoken. There were mysteries revealed to Paul and others,— special calls for them to pass on. But, as far as we.are concerned, we depend for light and leading upon the already written Word. If we do not read it and— up. to the measure of our time and ability— ponder over it, the message we have not read cannot be brought to our remembrance. Hence, the importance attached to “ listening in” on the Scriptures (See Prov. 8:32, 33, 34). “ Hearken unto Me” ; “ Hear instruction” ; “ Blessed is the man that heareth Me” ). We may note more particularly to whom these and similar calls are ad dressed (See Isa. 61 :1 ). “Hearken unto Me, ye that follow after righteousness; ye that peek the Lord.” “ Hearken unto Me, ye that know righteousness, the people in whose heart is My law.” That is, the people who have heard the news that “ God is and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently
ThisEaster or forMother’sDay G IVE mother a box o f Drake "Handy" home stationery. We all appreciate letters from mother and the Drake "Handy" box makes it easy and convenient for her to write often. Each box contains ISO sheets and 100 envelopes. The paper we use is a fine 24 lb. Ripple Finish Bond paper, eixe 654x9% inches. Your choice of Blue, Buff or White. Price, $2.00 a box post age prepaid. Assorted colors at JZ.Z5 a box. Monograms 25c extra. Sheets and envelopes will be printed with name and address from Copperplate Gothic type. We also carry Double Sheet, Ribbon-tied Stationery 24 Folded Sheets and 24 Envelopes printed with your name and address on fine quality Linen Finish Paper, having a fine Gold Edge. Your choice of Blue, Buff, Grey, Pink or White. (State color wanted.) $1.50 Box, Postage Pa i d - Monograms 25 cents extra. THE DRAKE PRESS 2S11-13 N. Drake Avenue CHICAGO MISIONARY PROGRAM PROBLEM hy ordering a copy of The Paramount Special Day Book — two books in one—with more than enough material for both. You will not find a dull or com monplace number in this publication. ^ cita tions, dialogues, exercises and songs are fresh and sparkling. The most tender tributes of reverence and love to Mother. Full of heart throbs smiles and tears. The new Missionary material for children and grown ups includes a Playlet, "The Spirit of that will prove wonderfully effective. Price 25 cents. Write to your supply house or send direct to M p &Brother 56 W . Washington St. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS “IKE BOWOF REVELATION” “ Tin Sint amazingly utUfylns. d U h . "¡f •¡R; elusive study of this wondrous book I have ever read^ —is what the editor of the “ Sunday School Times (Philadelphia) says of James H. McConkey s latest book. To do the most possible good this book is sent abso lutely free to any one interested enough to write for it. Address : SILVER PUBLISHING SOCIETY, Dept. M, Bessemer Building, Pittsburgh, Pa., U.S.A. SAVE A SOUL FROM DEATH Thia ia being done in Africa, China. India, by Native Evangeliete and Bible Women who are being supported for from 80c to $ 2.00 a week, $40 to $100 for a year. Write Rev. H. A. Barton, Secy., Box B, 475 Greene Ave.. Brooklyn, N. Y .. for free literature. Will you not read "The Person of the Incar nate God." 10 cente; "The Bible History of Cod's Law,” 10 centa; “An Introduction to Daniel's Prophecies," 10 cental Sample packet of goapel tracts free. ALEX. S. LARNED, PARKVILLE, MD. YOU CAN EASILY SOLVE TOURMOTHER’SMY AHD
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