T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
April 1926
petent experienced teachers from the different Educational Boards of our denominations will Instruct. E a c h teacher is a specialist in his or her line. Opening session will be held at 6:30 Monday evening, May 10th, in the Lower Auditorium of the Bible Institute, also each Monday and Thurs day evening for three weeks, two ses sions a night. This splendid opportunity should appeal to many young people in our different churches. This work is in terdenominational, departmental, ped agogical, practical and Inspirational. President Coolidge says, “ Ever since I have learned of the program of the International Association of Daily Va cation Bible Schools, I have felt that it was a particularly worthy effort, deserving of all encouragement. I hope it will prosper, and continue to realize the fullest hopes of its pro moters." $ BROADCASTING THE GOSPEL FROM MOODY CHURCH It was "good news” to thousands when the announcement was made re cently that to the local pulpit ministry of Pastor P. W. Philpott of Moody Church, Chicago, is being added, wholly unsolicited by him, a radio min istry which will enable him, under God’s blessing, to reach the entire American continent with the Gospel of Christ— the same virile Gospel that Moody preached, in the fervor and power of the same Spirit. The broadcasting will be done from the Moody Church, by remote control through Station W.S.W.S. Eight hours each Lord’s Day, from 10 to 12:30 A. M., and from 2:30 to 4:30 and 7:00 to 10:30 P. M., Central Standard time. The wave length will be 275 meters, operating on a one thousand w a t t power. Mr. Homer A. Hammontree and other soloists and singers will r e n d e r valuable assistance. Sidney E. Cox will be the announcer. The possibilities of this coming min istry ARE TREMENDOUS, and there fore the prayer power of God’s people from ocean to ocean should be thrown back of it. Will not those who read this appeal pray fervently for the fresh anointing of the Spirit of God upon Pastor Philpott and his associ ates? iftt m COMING CONVENTION OF FUNDAMENTALISTS The Eighth Annual Convention of the World’s Christian Fundamentals Association will meet in Toronto, Can ada, April 26th to May 2nd, 1926. The program will not be put into final form until a week before the Con vention opens. This is due to the fact that each year necessary changes are made before preliminaries are fin ished, and certain disappointments re sult. Men cannot invariably keep their engagements. Speakers will be of the very best. It is the Intention this year to bring into correlation, at least, if not into organic union, the multiplied Funda mentalist movements. Representatives of the following movements and
USED IN OVER ONE MILLION CHRISTIAN HOMES HURLBUTSSTORY*™6BIBLE BY JESSE LYMAN HURLBUT, D.D. Recommended bv all denominations for Its frsshnstt and accuracy, for Its simplicity of language, for Its freedom from doctrinal discussion. A COMPANION VOLUME TO THE BIBLE FOR teachers — students — for the home and school One hundred and sixty-eight stories esoh complete in itself, yeS forming a continuous narrative of the Bible from Qeneeis to HeveUtionj Tne world old stories rendered vitally interesting by the noted author's freah and malistio treatment. . . „ _ . The Blsoest and Best Illustrated Book for fhs Price. . Octave. 767 pages. 16 color platoo. 260 lliuetrations. PRICE 62.00 Represenlattwu Wanted. THEJOHN C. WINSTON CO., Book aad Bible Publishers, 299Winston Bldg., Philadelphia r - On saU at a ll Booksellert.
Pipe-Tone Folding Organa 4 Octave Double Reed In order to introduce our ¡L a te st M oda l L ib erty Pipe-Tone Folding Organs either leatherette covered, or 3-ply oak case. We will accept for a limited time lorders at $40.00 each (list price $70.00.) A. L. WHITE MFQ. CO. 266 faglsimd Am., Chicago, IN
(3mii\unionWare ofQuaJil^ Bestfa /e r ia lsJ fe ^Ê Ê f B f e f c v u u m inum or In d iv id u a l f G la s s e s FINEST W orkmanship lo w e st P ric e s . S e m i fo r Illu s tra te d Catalog INDIVIDUAL COMMUNION SERVICE CD Room356 1701"1705 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia,Ri. TEACHER!PARENT! YOU OUGHT TO KNOW !
Fundamentally True to the W ord o f God Expositions o f the International Lessons Used b y A ll Evangelical Denominations Write for Free Samples and Price Lists o f SUNDAY SCHOOL SUPPLIES THE CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE PUBLISHING COMPANY 2 6 0 W E S T 4 4 th S TR E E T , NEW YORK , N. Y .____________ Saves Hoursof Copying Like Writing With Fifty Hands
Tbs "Modem** Duplicator it used by thousands of preachers to make copies of reaps, lessons, letters, music. Turns out 50 copies In 10 minutes at total cost of only 3 cents. Bov. B. C. Land, Van Alstyne. Texas, says, "The Modem Is the greatest time and money savor I have over seen.” The “Modem entirely eliminates all the detail and drudgery of copying end making extra copies needed every day in the Church and Sunday 8chool. No tislatins— No Curling Coploo Easy to Oparato It is so easy to operate, any child can operate it. Simply write or type one original, put it on duplicator, transferring writing to duplicator surface. Take orig inal off and put on blank sheets one at a time. Perfect duplicate copies of original will be printed. Prints sheets 9 ft x 14 inches, or any size smaller. No M um — No Troublo Ministers everywhere use and secommond the ''Modern”
THE “ MODERN" This perfect duplicator is offered for limited time to preachers at our regular wholesale price, I9.S0. Be sure to mention King's Business. Complete outfit shipped promptly. All charges prepaid.
Descriptive Circulars Sent on Request— Writo Today K. B. DURKIN, REEVES & CO., Manufacturers, Ridgway, Penna.
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