King's Business - 1926-04

April 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


others, not now mentioned, are In­ vited,— “ The Fundamentalist League” of Los Angeles; “ Defenders of Science vs. Speculation” of Los Angeles; “ The Science Research Bureau” of Los An- -geles; "The Bryan Bible League” of Turlock, California; “ The Defenders” of Kansas; “ The Christian Crusaders” of Florida; “ The Baptist Bible Union of North America,” headquarters at Chicago, and other well-known Funda­ mentalist organizations. It Is expected that the orthodox Presbyterians of Canada and of the States will be well represented, and that the above mentioned organiza­ tions will send such representatives as Dr. C. H. .Haddon, Dr. Paul Rood, Dr. Bob Shuler, Prof. Harry Rlmmer, Dr. Gerald B. Winrod, Geo. W. Washburn. Dr. Albert Sidney Johnston, Dr. J. Frank Norris, Dr. T. T. Shields, Dr. W. M. Robertson of England, Dr. Ar­ thur H. Carter of England, and others to. be mentioned later. The program this year will espec­ ially emphasize the menace of modern­ ism in schools, and the methods of meeting and conquering against the S ’ — Dr. W. B. Riley, Ex.-Sec’y. I ll A NEW CATECHISM (Ques.) When was the New Theo­ logy first introduced? (Ans.) In the First Century, B. C. (Ques.) Where did it begin? (Ans.) In the Garden of Eden. (Ques.) Who introduced It? (Ans.) A charming personage. One Ophidia Serpen Reptum Tolcus. (Ques.) Whom did he Impersonate? (Ans.) “ The Old Serpent, he that Is called the Devil and Satan, the de­ ceiver of the whole world.”—R. V. (Ques.) How did he begin his con­ versation ? (Ana) By asking a question that caused^Eve to state the restriction which God had laid on her and Adam, as to their eating. (Ques.) What was his retort? (Ans.) A flat contradiction of God’s Word in one particular. (Ques.) What did this insinuate? (Ans.) That God's Word was not altogether reliable. (Ques.) (^hat ambition did he seek to inspire? (Ans.) To superior scholarship. To become as God, knowing good and evil. (Ques.) Did his project prove suc­ cessful? (Ans.) It led Adam and Eve into sin, and established in them and their posterity a fallen or sinful nature. (Ques.) Did any of Adam’s sons manifest adherence to these teach­ ings? (Ans.) Yes. Cain manifested it by offering to God a bloodless sacrifice, as much as to say, “ I don’t believe my soul needs an atonement.” (Ques.) What did this theory pro­ mulgate? (Ans.> Salvation by character. (Ques.) Why did not the people take warning from Noah’s preaching and

TRAINING SCHOOL FOR CHRISTIAN WORKERS (I NT ER DENOMINATIONAL" Prepares Young Women for Christian Leadership > The course of Instruction Includes: Bible Study, C hur^ History. Chr'iJUn Mis- ilom Psychology and Pedagogy. Organization and Administration of Religious Edu clmSn ^ S i.m r j Th* Art of Story T elllni Worship end Music. Hygiene and Health, Practical Experience In Church and M illion Work. Under the auspices of Woman's Branch. NEW YOHK CITT MISSION SOCIETY M ln Ellasboth BUllngi. First Directress Mrs. A. F. Schsuffler, Honorary Chairman of the Board of Managers Mrs. Stephen Baker, Chairman School Committee For further Information address MISS CHARLOTTE A. PORTER, Deaa 7 Gramercy Park, New York City

OBJECT LESSONS OF SCRIPTURE 'TH E LITTLE HANDMAIDS OF THE BIBLE Twalva pamphlets, llluetratod. No. 1 to 12. 12 Object Lessons In Each Pamphlet. The eot of 12. 11-80. postate prepaid. Prlca It ctt. aach. poataga 2 canto antra. Order by number. ■IT. C. EICKENIERG. 1029 N. Humtago An- CUmgo. HL

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MINISTRY or SERVICE? The casual reader— unfamiliar with the Creek of the New Tes­ tament manuscripts——would log­ ically gather from the 1st Tim­ othy. 1 : 12 , as rendered in older versions— that Paul’s reference was to the ordained Ministry, would he not> And vet, how comprehensive— how all inclu­ sive— how universal— is the in­ comparably more accurate ren­ dering of that important verse in the N d s o n s t S ? 3 Bibfe (Edited by tha American Rsvltiss Committee) Exceptional Value A most appropriate Bible for gifts to scholars with helps, questions and answers. No. 68—Genuine Leather. Morocco grain, divinity circuit, round cor­ ners, red under gold edges, title stamped on back In pure gold..............y M i U v With 32 full-page colored Illustrations.

when Paul gave thanks for his appointment to Service. Let us be sure, therefore, that in our reading we do not miss the true significance of these important passages, by using the marvel- ously clear and authoritative text of the American Standard Bible. The American Standard Bible Text has been adopted by all loading Colleges, Theological Seminaries, Y.M.C.A.. Y.W.C.A., and Bible Schools throughout the United States, and Is used by over 13.000.000 scholars from which to study the International, graded or other Bible lessons. A Nelson Bible Is a guarantee of the best character of printing, binding, paper, as well as of the latest and best translation. Two hundred styles of binding and ten sizes of type.

Nelson Bibles la all sizes, types' and styles of binding are ob­ tainable wherever Bibles are sold.


F R E E B O O K L E T A «harming 80-page booklet entitled ••The Wonderful Story, published at 10c per oopy, telling how the Bible came down through the ages, and con­ taining many facta of vital Interest, will be lent FBEB on request to any­ one mentioning The King's Business.

Themes Nelson A Sens, 385-D 4th Ave., New Yerk City Authorised Publishers for the American Revision Committee Dear Sirs: Please send me FREE oopy of your book entitled "The Wonderful Story.** This does not obligate me In any way. N am e................. ............................................................................................... S treet........................ ................................. ...........• • • • • • ............................ .C ity ..................................................................................State

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