T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
April 1Ô26
( Ans.) They considered themselves the only teachers capable of rightly stating religious principles. T h e y professed righteousness without regen eration. They denied the Deity of Jesus Christ, in the face of many in fallible proofs of it. (Ques.) Why is this old system called the New Theology? (Ans.) Because a new set of men are advocating it. And possibly be cause it has obtained a new channel of advocacy, i.e., some of the recog nized ministers in the churches. A generation ago, its advocates were called “ Infidels,” though a Httle earl ier some of them had tried to pose as “ Angels of Light,” especially of the so-called “ Inner Light,” trying to swing the church into line with their teachings. But these unwholesome teachings have always landed their ad vocates in the darkness of delusion and spiritual ruin, from which they are seldom recovered. — Pliny Pry. That Thou wilt pardon us........AS WE FORGIVE Let that love teach, wherewith Thou dost acquaint us, To pardon all............... ...THOSE WHO TRESPASS AGAINST US. And though, sometimes, Thou flnd’st we have forgot This love for Thee, yet help....:.._AND LEAD US iNOT Though soul or body want, to desper ation, ” Nor let earth’s gain drive us..... INTO TEMPTATION. Let not the soul of any true believer Fail in the time of trial................BUT DELIVER. Yea, save them from the malice of the devil, And both in life and death, keep....US FROM EVIL. Thus pray we, Lord, for that of Thee, from whom This may be had..............FOR THINE IS THE KINGDOM. This world is of Thy work, its won drous story To Thee belongs..........THE POWER AND THE GLORY. And all Thy wondrous works have ended never, But will remain forever and................ FOREVER. Thus, we poor creatures would confess again, And thus would say eternally......... AMEN. m THE RACE PROBLEM A copy of “ Progress in Race Rela tions,” a 16 page booklet, containing a brief but comprehensive survey of interracial activities and achievements, the names and addresses of the mem bers of the Commission, and estimates of its work by President Coolidge and Secretary Hoover, will be sent on re quest to any person interested, accord ing to an announcement from the headquarters of the Commission on Interracial Cooperation, 409 Palmer Bldg., Atljsnta, Ga.
prophecy of the coming flood and seek God for protection? (Ans.) Because they did not be lieve God could work miracles. (Ques.) What was the characteris tic of Abraham’s life? (Ans.) Undoubting faith in God’s Word, although it involved the work ing of miracles. (Ques.) How does this contrast with the teachings of the New Theology? (Ans.) In the New Theology, there Is nothing to be gained superior to the wisdom which the human mind can attain through education, hence, little faith in God’s Word is required. (Ques.) In the days when Jesus was on earth, did the Pharisees adhere to the New Theology? (Ans.) Not entirely, because they called it blasphemy for a mere man to claim any inherent Divinity, (Ques.) What w e r e some of the things wherein they seemed to be like those who advocate the New Theol ogy? The following beautiful composition was captured during the war at Charleston, S. C. It was printed on heavy satin, July 4, 1823. This copy, says the N. Y. Journal, was t a k e n from the original, and picked up by A. P. Green, of Auburn, Ind., in Cor inth, Miss., the morning the rebel forces evacuated it, May 30, 1862. Thou to the Mercy Seat our souls doth gather, To do our duty unto Thee............OUR FATHER. To whom all praise, all honor should be given, For Thou art the Great God........WHO ART IN HEAVEN. Thou, by Thy wisdom, rul’st the world’s whole fame; Forever, therefore......HALLOWED BE THY NAME. Let nevermore delays divide us from Thy glorious grace, but......... .......THY KINGDOM COME. Let Thy commands opposed be by none But Thy good pleasure and..........THY WILL BE DONE. And let our promptness to obey be even The very same ON EARTH AS ’TIS IN HEAVEN. Then, for our souls, O Lord, we also pray, Thou would’st be pleased to........GIVE US THIS DAY The food of life, wherewith our souls are fed, Sufficient raiment and......OUR DAILY BREAD. With every needful thing do Thou re lieve us, And of Thy mercy pity...................AND FORGIVE US All our misdeeds, for Him whom Thou did’st please To make an offering for....— .......OUR TRESPASSES. And, forasmuch, O Lord, as we believe THE LORD’S PRAYER A beautiful version made in 1823 and picked up during the War of the Rebellion.
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