King's Business - 1926-04

April 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


The Chosen People. The Land, and The Book .(Continued from page 225)

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ulatlon of the Holy Land Is about 150,000. Yet there are ministers and religious editors, who should know better, who dare to say after visiting Palestine that nearly as many Jews leave the country as enter It. God will fulfill His Word right before t^ie eyes of many Christians, yet they cannot see It. A Palestinian loan of |50,Q00,000 Is suggested by Henry Morgenthau, former American Ambassador to Tur­ key, following his recent visit to Pal­ estine. He described the advance of the country, says The New Palestine, since his last visit In 1914, as “ stu­ pendous,” and recommended that prominent Jewish financiers make an exhaustive study to see whether Pales­ tine Is ripe for that financial assistance which successful development re­ quires. Having directed successfully the $50,000,000 Greek loan, Mr. Mor­ genthau believes that Palestine is cap­ able of arranging a loan on similar terms. m STATES MUST JOIN The President asserts in his mes­ sage that all the States should give their active and energetic co-operation in preventing violations of the Vol­ stead Act. The Constitution makes It their concurrent duty. Not alone the government at Washington, but every citizen Is Involved In this enforcement. President Coolidge insists that It is the duty of all who come under the jurisdiction of the Constitution to fully observe the spirit of the law. He puts it up to the American people. They ought to behave, but will theyT — L. A. Time's. ^1 ife. m “ III' ANY MAN WILL—HE SHALL KNOW” A Unitarian preacher once said to Newton, “ Sir, I have collated every word in the Hebrew Scriptures seven­ teen times, and it is very strange If the doctrine of the atonement which you hold should not have been found by me.” Newton’s answer Is worth remem­ bering. He said, "I am not surprised at thiB. I went once to light my can­ dle with the extinguisher on it.” m A#______ NOTHING1WITHIN In the Boston Library they have blocks of wood made like books which they use to fill up vacant shelves. They are labeled, "Nothing Within.” When they purchase new books these are taken out and the new books are sub­ stituted. There are some professing Christians who might justly be lab­ eled, “ Nothing Within.” They have a torm of Godliness, but it does not con­ trol the heart.—Herald and Presbyter.

Jerusalem prefacing its fall.) (Not observed by Reform synagogues.) New Moon Ellul (6th Month)— Monday, July 12. Fast of Ab— Tuesday, July 20. (Lamenting Fall of Jerusalem). (Not observed by Reform synagogues.) New Moon Ellul ( 6th Mbntb) Tuesday, August 10. th e JEWISH WORLD Though there are many who deny that Israel is to be restored to its own land, according to the prophetic Word, those who are acquainted with movements among the Jews at the present time recognize that we are now living In momentous days, when Ood Is'rapidly fulfilling His Word. Note the following account of a plea by Mr. Llpsky, which was taken from the “ Glory of Israel” : Proclaiming Palestine “ the axis and the center of Jewish life today,” Louis Llpsky of New Y o r k , International Zionist, leader and chairman of the Zionist organization in America, made a fervent appeal for support of the Jewish homeland project in the Holy Land before a large audience at a meeting in the Nixon Theater recently. “ It looks as though the whole world has conspired with Providence to find a permanent home for our people, he Baid, “ and with the progress of this great work It is rapidly being trans­ formed Into a land loved and regarded with sacred reverence and affection by Jewry. Thousands of Jews with capi­ tal, prominent In their communities and active In business affairs, have begun to regard migration to Pales­ tine— the one symbol of Jewish duty — as that most to he desired.” The meeting, which was held under the auspices of the Pittsburgh District Zionist organization, was also address­ ed by Isaac Carmel of New York, field secretary of the national body. Dr. Simon Seegman, president of the local organization, presided. The musical program included singing by Mrs. Rae Kopp, accompanied by Miss S a r a h Spahr. NOTES Telephone communication between Palestine and Egypt was opened for public use on Monday; February 1. Leopold Godowsky, the famous pianist, who recently visited Palestine and who passed through Warsaw on his way back to America, Is reported from Warsaw as planning to inaugur­ ate a movement for the erection of a $5,000,000 music academy in Pales­ tine. Mr. Godowsky’s aim is to make this academy the largest in the world. More than 35,000 Jews entered Pal­ estine during the year 1925. The num­ ber of Jews leaving Poland In that year for Palestine was 17,731, while the total in 1924 was but 7,984. It is estimated that the present Jewish pop-'

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