TH E JE W : The Source of the World’s Salvation and Sorrow (Continued from page 191) f So Jesus was in line for the fulfillment of the promise; and He is still in line, and the promises concerning Him and the throne through that line will yet be fulfilled. God promised that when Jesus Christ should come He would set up a kingdom; that He would establish the king dom; and yet, when He was presented to the Jews for that purpose, they rejected Him. They had occupied the place of blessing, teaching, promise and power, but when Jesus Christ, their Messiah and King, through both of these lines __ David and Mary— was presented to them, they rejected Him. But Jesus Christ did not withdraw His kingly power when He was rejected by them. He was by their rejection, and by their testimony, and by their efforts, crucified as King of the Jews; and He died upon the Cross as King of the Jews. When He died upon the Cross as King of the Jews and was buried and rose again, and ascended, He took His place at the right hand of God as the Mediator of those who believe in Him. He promised that He would come again and fulfill all promises between Genesis 3 and Matthew 12. Jesus Christ promised that He would come again and fulfill those promises. He will come again. No Jewish National Existence Now Having gone briefly over some of the steps, we find the Jew still here. Prior to tie time I have mentioned;— the rejection of Jesus Christ— the Jew had a national existence. He had been in existence three thousand years; and, in less than seven hundred of those years, his national, cohesive power had existed; and in practically twenty-five hundred years of that time he has lost his national existence; and from the crucifixion of Christ until the present moment the national life of the Jew does not and cannot exist. But, you ask, was the Jew nationally rejected? Yes, the Jew was nationally rejected. Mark what I am saying nnt«/»"»iiy rejected. Why was he nationally rejected? (I am speaking, first, of the time prior to the Crucifixion.) Because of his idolatry. God required the Jew to live before Him in righteousness, in recognition of his power, and his position, and his relationship to Him. The Jew was first rejected because of his idolatry. He was most idolatrous, and idolatry caused his national rejection. Not only were the Jews individual idolators at the time of their rejection, but nationally they were idolators, and because of national idolatry they were rejected. Secondly, they were rejected because they rejected Jesus Christ. When the Jew nationally turned his back on his own King— Jesus Christ— God rejected the Jew, and nation ally he has not existed since. And, thirdly, the reason for the rejection of the Jew was because he refused to give the Gospel to the Gentiles. (Concluded in May: “ The Jew: The Source of the World’s Sorrow.” )
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m M See! thy Lord Himself hath risen That thou migbtest also rise, And emerge from sin’s dark prison To new life and open skies. Come to Him who can unbind thee, And reverse thy awful doom; Come to Him, and leave behind thee Thy old life— an empty tomb!
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