King's Business - 1926-04

April 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


The “Best” of the New Books That are along just the lines of thought now _________ interesting you.______________ Shall Jews Accept Christ? On Christian T erm s? On Joseph Klausne^s T erm s? On Stephen S. W ise’s T erm s? On any T erm s o f their Ow n? A notable volume, calling for more than a passing no.t’ce, has just been issued by Joseph Klausner Ph. D.. the learned Hebrew historian and journalist, now head o f the new^ Jewish University at Jerusalem, Palestine. “ JESUS OF NAZARETH, A Jewish View” This work is the first to present Jesus o f Nazareth from a Jewish point of view without prejudice and according to h is­ torical facts. It is an epoch-making publication. Nothing like it has ever com e from Jewish leaders and it has stirred the Jewish w orld in a remarkable way. The book is not intended for Christians, who, o f course, will object to much it contains. Nevertheless it should be read b y Christian scholars and w ork­ ers am ong Jews, in order to get a better understanding of Jewish religious life. Cloth $4.50 What I> Faith?

IF CHRIST BE NOT RISEN! (Concluded from page 194)

The Effect of the Resurrection One other word and my task Is done. What was the effect of the resurrection? Those disciples were the worst beaten, humiliated, downhearted number of men one could find in Palestine when Jesus died. Remember how those two men on the Emmaus Road said, “ We hoped”— all their hope was in the past tense— “ we hoped that it' had been He who would redeem Israel; but He is dead.” What were they afterward? They were firebrands going everywhere with exhilaration of heart, with exultation of spirit, Jubilantly affirming the risen Christ present with them, all conquering, to whom all hearts should yield! And you who know the Acts of the Apostles need not be told by me how on page after page you read that they preached and affirmed the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. And »as keystone to arch, is the fact of that resurrection to all the apostolic preaching and to the apostolic Church. And Paujf came along, and yoii know how he affirmed and re-affirmed and affirmed again, that Jesus Christ was alive. Why, take the chapter from which my text comes, and in It he uses this remarkable language. He says, “ If Christ be not .risen, our preaching is vain.” And what he really said was, "Our preaching is void— it is a great yawning gulf that has nothing in it; there is no music there; there is no power there; there is no salvation there; our preaching is void, unless Christ be alive.” And then he said, “ Your faith is vain.” What is the use of your faith when the One in whom you place it is dead? “ Your faith is vain,” and “ the dead are perished.” Oh, that gets very near to me every Eastertide! Jesus Christ is alive, and therefore those I * have loved and lost a while are alive, for they were saved by a Jesus who said, “ Because I live, ye shall live also.” And today over all the earth there spreads the glad fact of the Easter morning. You can go tp every prodigal in the far off country today and tell him to 'go home to his God, because the living Christ does intercede for him, and is able to save to the uttermost all penitent souls. I went out in my garden last Autumn and did an unkind thing to bulbs of snowdrop and crocus and jonquil and daffodil, for I put them down in the ground out of the light and the air, and covered them up in the darkness and the dampness. And they did not believe me when I said, “ This is preliminary to a day when up above this earth again you will lift your heads, and at the sight of your beauty men will pray.; and inhaling your fragrance women will thank God.” But it all came true. I saw the Summer go. .to its death last Fall when the leaves fell piteously down from the trees, and the branches lifted their hands as if in appeal to God against the ravages of Winter. And the cold winds blew and the sleet fell * heavily and the hail rattled and the frost came. But sure as God it is. Spring! And the flowering currant is ringing its bells of praise on the hillside's, and the trilliums are sug­ gesting Father, Son; and Holy Spirit by their threefold form and appearance. And the grass is green as it was last year, and it is Springtime everywhere! And I saw Christ die. And when He died the sun refused to look; and men’s hearts failed them for fear; and the hope of the world was dead. But He said He would rise, and He kept His word. He came out of the grave and He led captivity captive. And it is Springtime in the souls of men because Christ is alive.

Fundamental Christianity A Series o f Lectures on the James Sprunt Foundation By Francis L. Patton, P resi­ dent o f Princeton University, 1888-1902, President o f P rince­ ton Theological S e m i n a r y 1902 - 1913 . "W h at think ye of C h rist?" W herever you are, whatever you may think, you have to answer for yourself this great question or just foolishly avoid it to your utter discom fort now and always. Y ou can’t be truly happy until you find in the person o f Christ, your p er­ sonal Saviour. If you chal­ lenge this statement, what are your reasons? Read this new book. Contents: The Theistic View o f the W o r l d ; The Seat o f Authority in Religion; The New Christianity; The Person o f Christ; Our Deu.s Homo. Cloth— price $2.00

By J. Gresham Machen, D. D., Assistant Professor of New Testament Literature a n d Exegesis in Princeton Theo­ logical Seminary, A u t h o r of "Christianity and Liberalism, “ The Origin of Paul’s R elig­ ion," etc. Cloth, 12mo. Price $1.75. ~ T o actually have faith— to have faith which enables us to live a constantly victorious life in this jige of bondage, failure and restlessness is something thoroughly w orth­ while, yet few individuals know how to acquire faith to live "th e faith life”— This very excellent volume sets forth in the light o f the New T esta­ ment teaching and in com par­ ison with recent discussions, the real nature o f Christian faith. A s over against the anti-in - tellectual tendency in the modern world, it will be one chief purpose o f the present book to defend the prim acy o f the intellect, and in par­ ticular to try to break down the false and disastrous op p o­ sition which has been set up between knowledge and faith. C o n t e n t s : Introduction; Faith in G od; Faith in Christ; Faith Born o f Need; Faith and the G ospel; Faith and Salva­ tion; Faith and w orks; Faith and Hope. Cloth $1.75 “ Back to the Old Trail’

By Janet M. Ingles R ejoice! The book you have been looking for has arrived. Send your orders immediately— Romance, deep and true, runs through the story making it one o f fascination and thrilling interest. The old Gospel is seen again in all its transform ing power in the lives o f real men and women, boys and girls. In its pages everyone may see himself or herself. The characters live! The price has been purposely kept low so that the b ook may be within the reach of__alL______________________________]_Cloth_$L50 The Christ of the Indian Road ' By E. Stanley Jones A fter a long and fruitful experience- as a m issionary in India, whose special sphere o f service has been in the field o f evan­ gelism, Dr. Jones has arrived at some v ery definite convictions concerning the attitude o f India toward Christianity. Dr. Jones speaks and writes with Christ as the center, .alike in his m essage and in his life. In reading The Christ of-, the Indian Road one feels the divinely charged personality o f .the author as a living part o f the message. This is one o f the really rarely vital books-—one which grips and holds and will not let g o; tremendously illuminating as to what is going on on the other side o f the world, strangely com ­ pelling also in implications o f appeal and assurance to the reader who is willing to see, to surrender and to live on the h i g h e r ^ J e v e l s ^ ^ _ „S S it J S J S If money does not accompany order, goods will be sent C. O. D., If goods are to com e by mail add 10% fo r postage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.

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