King's Business - 1926-04


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

April 1926

Anthropology: or, The Doctrine o f Man (Continued from page 202)

HELPFUL BOOKS of Unusual Timeliness

Israel Witneeseth to Man’s Responsibility Jehovah proclaimed to Israel that the nation was under obligation to keep His commands and to serve Him, and if the nation did not fulfill their obligation He would punish it "seven times” (Leviticus 26 :1 3 -2 8 ). Those "seven times" of 2520 years of Israel’s national rejection are Jehovah’s witness that He holds men accountable for their actions. The Prophets Proclaimed Man’s Responsibility The prophet Jeremiah, for instance, in his messages to Judah,'strikes one string on the harp of his testimony again and again: "Because their sins were increased;” ‘-‘Because ye have sinned’’ •(Jer. 3 0 :1 4 ; 4 0 :3 ; 44 :3 , 21, 22, 23) Is his word, hence, the chastisement of the Lord followed. Because they were accountable they were responsible, for as Ironside says, “ To deny the freedom of the will is to make morality impossible." The Law Holds Man to Responsibility The law in its Ten Commandments is God’s claim upon man for his obedience. Israel had to confirm God’s Word by their "Amen” (Dent. 2 7 :9 -2 6 ). Twelve times the people are charged to say "Am en ." When men over-ride God’s laws, by their disobedience, those laws overwhelm them to their destruction. The Gospel Emphasizes Man’s Responsibility While the Gospel in its message has a salvation for all Irrespective of what they are, or have done, it is not a clean glove for a dirty hand, but a cleansing power for an

The Fundamentals— A Testimony to the Truth

The four volume« of thi» aerie* are a compilation from the writing» of many of the world’« greate»t Christian educator«. There were originally 12 yolumes, all of which were «ent free to 300,000 minuter« and mission- ariea of the world. Thi« wa» made poaaible by two Chris­ tian laymen who «et aaide a large «urn of money for the purpose. When the fund wa« exhausted, «o many urgent requests streamed in to the committee that all twelve were combined into four volume« and published at minimum to supply the demand. You will be amazed at the privilege afforded the reader« of these magnificent writings on such vital subjects— Fresh vigorous treat­ ment of the very questions on which you wish assistance at this time. Order all four volume*. Cloth $4.00

The Seven Seals of the Apocalypse

Grace and Truth By W . P . Mackay

By C. F. Wimberly, D. D. Y ou have always wanted to understand the book of Reve- lation, and at no time in his­ tory have you been more eager than now. This book unveils, past, present and future— in in sucn a clear way that it cannot be m isunderstood. Dr. W im berly’s treatment o f this great su bject is fascinatingly original, and entertaining-—— you will rejoice in owning‘ this volume. Cloth $1

“ A religious classic** is the term o f description o f this lit­ tle treatise. It is written in conversational style on a sub­ ject often m isunderstood. "Th e law was given to Moses, bu t grace and truth cam e b y Jesus Christ". . . . . This is the kind o f book which creates discussion, but also deals with facts in a way to help the reader find a place o f definite service. Cloth gi .00


Read coupon carefully, Ponder it prayerfully, Fill it in cheerfully, And—

Twelve Greet Questions About CHnst By Cyarence McCartney, D. D. “ W hat think ye o f Christ» ** The m ost important question in the w orld, for after all the answer to it determ ine.................... eVD 7 t MciLrtIehy ^ . l h « r ^ “f t L twelve ch ap ter, o f h i. book to answer: Wag Christ Born o f the V irgin M ary) Did Christ Fulfil Prophecy» W as Christ An Original Teacher» 1 .

U SE Y O U R S C I S S O R S N O W !

If. III. IV. V. VI. VII. V ili. IX. X. XI. XU.

Did Christ W ork M iracles» W as Christ The Son o f C od» Did Christ Die for Our Sins? Did Christ Rise from the Dead» Did Christ A scend into Heaven? W ill Christ Come Again? w i l l V.UI lo vus.avr. B - . . . - _ . . Jesus and Paul— Do They D iffer» Will Another Jesus D o» Have New Foes Risen A gainst Christ?

Mr. T. C. Horton Editor-in-Chief The King’ s Business 536 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. Dear Mr. Horton:

Can you satisfactorily answer these questions? Order a cop y of this book at once . . . Be

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in answer for the faith in you.

I have read your appeal on Page 191 and am anxious to do what 1 can to save our young peo­ ple from the subtle attacks of Satan through Mod­ ernistic teaching. Please send The King s Business containing “ Answers to Three Vital Questions to the list o f names herewith enclosed. Also, find list o f............. NEW subscriptions with remittance to cover. (Name of Sender) (Address)...........

rhe Non-Sense of Christian Science By Albert Clark Wyckoff No one w ould ever be a "Christian Scientist** if they< Were. DC* dissatisfied with their relation to God—-out of harmony—K>r ill. ?oor Chrietians always turn to look fo rsom e th in g to or tooth or lift— but if we only realized the faUaoy U lot turn to thie strong delusion. Let us read up on the sifcject ind be prepared to strengthen our faith and able to understand- ngly cope with those who need our accurately inform ing °* D If goods aro to com# by mail add 10% for postage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal. If money does not accompany order, gpode_5 “ !

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