King's Business - 1926-04

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April 1926

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


absolved sinner. Its clear-toned enunciation is, "Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are?" (Rom. 6 :1 6 ). Christ Taught Man’s Responsibility In many ways and on many occasions He taught this. But we cite only one, and that was when He referred to the wise and foolish man. The one built his house on the sand and the other on the rock. And of the latter He said, " I will liken him,” who "doeth these sayings of mine,” to one “who built his house on a rock” (Matt. 7 :2 4 ). Milton says of Christ, He is "The Pilot of the Galilean Lake.” That Pilot ever keeps us in the "Straits of Obedience that He may bring us to the "Harbor of Blessing. The Holy Spirit Reiterates Man’s Responsibility He is given to the believer in Christ to empower him to fulfil God’s behests. Not to respond to Him is to grieve Him (Eph. 4 :3 0 ). A Scotch preacher once exhorted his hearers to “ Hand in with your Friend.” Holiness and Happiness are always indissolvable connections; yea, holiness is felic­ ity itself.” The Judgment will demonstrate Man’s Responsibility "Some men’s sins are open beforehand, going before to Judgment; and some they follow after. Likewise also the good works are manifest beforehand; and they that are otherwise cannot be hid” (1 Tim. 5 :24 , 25 ). Men spend their powers in sinful pleasures and selfish pastimes, but they do well to remember, there «_____ comes a reckoning when the banquet’s o’er, Thé dreadful reckoning; and men smile no more.” Men, in the main, think they can go on in their own way and follow the bend and trend of their own inclinations, but they need to be solemnly reminded of their accountability to God. Preachers, too, need to be reminded of their account­ ability to remind the peçple of their accountability to God. Bloodless skirts are worn by those who have a blameless ministry (Ezek. 3 3 :1 -16 ). In view of the time when every one shall give an account of himself to God (Romans 1 4 :1 2 ), we do well to anticipate it now, as Young says, by entering into the Court of judgment: "Thrice happy they that enter now the court Heaven opens in their bosom.”. ' (Continued next month) “ D E F E N D T H E F A I T H ! “ “ I* “ exhort you that yo should earnestly contend for the faith which was ones delivered unto the saints.” Jude 3. Nearly Three Thousand "DEFENDERS OF THE FAITH” invite you to join their ranks and help fight the destructive deniers of the Word of God. Enroll at once, and receive your "Ammunition” for carrying on the battle in defense of the honor of our Lord, our homes and our children. Name. City and Street.

Very Important Books How to Get Right With God After Death— What Then?

By W illiam Evans, Ph. D., D . D. A thoughtful and unusually s u g g e s t i v e eschalogical study in which the author carefully searches the H oly Scriptures for light and lead- ins on his all-im portant theme. P rice $1.50

By James M . Gray, D. D. N oonday talks to busy p eo­ ple. Popular in style— E xpos­ itory in character. This volum e is to help you to the practical side o f T aith. Paper 38c


Man’s First Disobedience

By Leander S. Keyser The theme of Dr. Keyser’s discourse is found in the question Is the Biblical teaching on the origin of sin and suf­ fering adequate and reasonable) He proceeds to show that the explanations of the Fall of Man as Myth, Legend, Tradition, Folklore, Inspired Allegory or Primitive Animalism are patently inferior compared to the acceptance of the third chapter of Genesis as historical in character and superhuman in source. After dealing with some ethical objections, he presents the affirmative grounds for believing in its historical character and concludes with a striking exposition show­ ing that the thikd chapter of Genesis fits in as a factual and necessary link in the divine plan of creation and redemption. Price $1.00






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Creation in Genesis and Geology By Grant Just the little book to give you a rapid, worthwhile resu­ me o f the com parisons o f Cre­ ation in Genesis and Geology. This will be o f value to you as you talk with friends who are studying Genesis in the Sun­ day School. P rice 20c

Work-Days of God By H. W . Morris, A . M ..D .D . Amazing, fascinating illus­ trations add much to this v o l­ ume. Y ou will find yourself deeply interested in all that Dr. Morris unfolds in this m ost unusual book. It will a p p e a l to children and to scholars. Order a copy. Cloth, $1.50



Greatheart of the Bowery

With Biographical Foreword By G. H. SandUon, Ph. D., of the Christian Herald Scenes from the Life Story of JOHN G. HALLIMOND of the Bowery Mission This book shows convincingly that even the worst type is not beyond recall if dealt with in the spirit of kindness. The Divine message still holds good that "Whosoever will may come.” “The entire volume reveals the author at his best, and shows the spirit of Christian kindness in the power that wins in the rescue of shipwrecked souls. The book is one that deserves to have a wide circulation.” — Geo. H. San- dison. Cloth illustrated $1.50 If m o n y doss not accom pany order, goods will be sent C. O. D., goods are to com e by mall add 10% fo r postage. B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Cal.


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