T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S
April 1926
MIRACLES! ARE THEY PROBABLE? (Oontinued from page 204)
Attention Students These Are Truly Marvelous Books The Greatest Book on “Dispensational Truth” in the World By Clarence Larkin Whatever you are studying now you need this book for com* parative reference. It has pertinent paragraphs relative to the Sunday School Lessons for the entire year. , This work is a revised and enlarged edition of the Author s Great Book on "Dispensational Truth.*' It is not an experiment. It has already passed in its elementary form through several editions, is widely circulated over the world, is highly com mended by leading Prophetical Scholars, and is being used in many Bible Schools. It contains 34 chapters of descriptive matter, 42 splendid Prophetical Charts. 9x20 inches, 48 one- page charts, and 15 cuts. It is the result of 30 years study of “ Dispensational Truth,'* every phase of which it covers, is sane not a "Time Setter." contains no speculative matter, ia not made up of quotations from, other writers, but is based solely on the Scriptures from the "Futurist Standpoint. It la of permanent value and will be a standard authority on Dis pensational Truth," and is a mine of information on Prophetic Truth" for the busy Pastor, Evangelist, Bible Teacher, and all lovers of the Word. Rev. Frank S. Weston, Toronto Bible College says of it: "It is the best collection of 'Dispensational Charts* ever pub lished. I know of none to compare with it.'* Your appreciation of this volume will increase daily. Price $8.00
his denial of miracles was necessary unless he gave up his philosophy. To one who believes in a personal Ood, who may for good reasons interfere with nature’s ordinary pro cesses, miracles are not incredible; but an Atheist, Pan theist or Deist must deny the possibility of miracles. For if, behind and above nature, there be no intelligent, divine, controlling hand, the very existence of the universe depends on the absolute uniformity of nature’s laws and processes. Mr. Hume was a Deist. He traced the various effects of nature to a uniform series of causes: no Interruption could be supposed to occur, for there would be nothing to restore order and harmony. It Is well to have provision for that extra pressure In the water works, If there be an intelligent person there, to determine when to gear on the spare machinery, and to disconnect it when the need of It ceases: but, If the machine should have no brain behind It, It would not do to allow such extra pressure, for the machine can not restore itself to Its ordinary and uniform working— and to have fourfold pressure when the hydrants are closed would destroy both machinery and distributing pipes. For Hume to admit miracles would be to admit a personal God — back of a nature’s enginery, an Engineer whose power and Intelligence first fixed the uniformity of nature’s ordin ary workings, and who If He chooses to bring some new force to bear, can disconnect It when His purpose is answered. Hume’s argument against miracles was not simply the result of candid reasoning, but a manufactured theory invented to fit Into his deistical philosophy. I am prepared to prove that his dishonesty in the matter lies even deeper, in a deliberate determination to oppose the claims of the religion of Christ. I quote his own words, that it may be seen how he contradicts himself. After boldly saying that “ a miracle supported by any human tes timony is more properly a subject of derision than of argu ment,” he says, “ I own that' there may possibly be miracles of such a kind as to admit of proof from human testimony;’' and then imagines a case of miracles, so attested by com petent witness that philosophers ought to recelve.it as cer tain. And then mark how he sneaks out as by a trap door, lest he be caught in his own admissions. “ But should this miracle be ascribed to a new system of religion, men in all I------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 | T, C. HORTON, Editor-m-Chief
Living Messages on the Books of the Bible
Vol. 1.—Old Testament; Vol. II.—New Testament , By G. Campbell Moreen
These two great volume, are written to show, book by hook, the vital spiritual message of each book. This is not an analyt ical volume. Dr. Morgan's keen, clear presentation of these living meesages gives us a spiritual scholar's best work. To own a copy is to be rich indeed. _ ■ Cloth only, (2.00 per volume. The Analyzed Bible The Analyzed Bible By G. Campbell Morgan
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The Teaching of Christ
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